Suitable Partners

Before Holly's wake up call, the bio-genetics were already awake, dressing, their new uniform consisting of a military camouflage uniform with a hoodie. But rather than the mix shades of green, it had the mix shades of red, dim in color, along with black combat boots, black finger-less gloves, it was the same for both boys and girls. The bio-genetics badge at the right pocket side and widely drawn at the back, the badge black in color with tiny dot blues on it, at the center was a symbol, it was Japan's symbol of a round red circle with two white wings attached to it, spread out gloriously.

Hiro set his Gunbelt in place, careful not to activate it, he then sat on his bed tiring his boots. He paused for a minute as a memory flash in his head, his dad in his room tiring his boots, Hiro was just five years old as he hid at the door watching him tie, unknown to him that was the day he learnt it, who knew it would be useful later in the future.