One Soldier, A Stick

Touka rips Yuki's shirt, only around her stomach area, she gasps when she saw her stomach embodied in black blood within, signifying internal injury.

Hiro's heart slammed a loud heartbeat when he senses it, his brain fuzzing and snapping, his body stiff and paled, his inner body succumbing to pain and anger.

"I don't have enough equipment here," Touka said with widened eyes of horror, these kids' conditions were too much to handle all by herself, she needed help.

"The Alpha" Ten said weakly as he forced his body up, Haya and Homura helped his seat up.

"Yuki's blade couldn't even scratch it, it was almost like," he said with widened eyes of horror.

"Almost like our blood weapons don't work on it".

They froze at his theory as extreme fear shocked their body.