
"I WON'T LET YOU HURT MY FRIENDS AGAIN... SO GO TO HELL, YOU MONSTER!!!!" Hiro shouts on top of his lungs as the aura around him went wide, along with his spiky red hair as they mixed with the aura around him, the tips of the spikes going blue, beaming brightly all the way to the roots, a mixture of his natural hair color and the blue aura color.

The energy came in lightning speed.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" he gave a loud ear-piercing battle cry sound as he uses the black stick embodied with red lines to slam the energy ball, it collides, shocking the entire area as well as the building.

The others stood their ground so that they wouldn't fly away by the intense wind, or worse the building might collapse just by the mere shocking sound almost like an earthquake or worst.

"SHINO-SAN!!!" Ten shouts seeing that Shino's unconscious body was moving, almost flying away.