Aftermath (Part 1)

"We strive to reclaim the surface," he said as his body went up in his bright dark blue aura.

"FOR HUMANITY!" He shouts as he charged towards the Alpha in speed.

Coming at it like a sharp bullet ready to slay the Alpha. The Alpha roars again using its energy at Hiro but he deflected it with his sword absorbing the energy, close to the Alpha, he readied to slash, but the Alpha used its claw to at Hiro, the force made the Ring around his eyes rip in two, his head tilting backward as the Ring slides off, a slash mark slightly on the bridge of his nose.

His eyes then beamed a bright blue color, his bio-genetics eyes, the iris color changed to bright crystal blue like a diamond mixed with light and dark shades with a hint of red lines in it, forming a crack moving around, the pupil darkens more and extended, the edges of his eyes embodied in veins.