
"You're amazing Kaname!" Homura's heart beat loudly in his chest, seeing Raiden doing exactly what he explained.

His head bent downward slowly. 'Come on, just do it already!' And then he did like he could read their minds.

'He's doing it,' Homura thought, alarmed. 'He's really doing it...' He gulps hard once again as their lips almost touch.

But now the anticipation had happened, and a strange feeling overwhelmed him solely because...

Homura's eyelids twitched. They weren't stopping, and they weren't hesitant. They were gonna DO IT. And they were both watching.

Their lips brushed against each other more and it became too awkward.

Kaname on the other hand was too engrossed to look away, if anything he silently wanted to go further.

Homura had enough and exploded. "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!"