Escort Mission [4]

Hiro paused, the sound of his heartbeat got louder and faster. He moved his head behind the personnel, he sensed it was here and coming faster than the normal eyes could see. It is hard to pick up with his senses too, it was far difficult to catch more than anything else he had ever sensed.

But he could ... it was glossy almost like it was transparent, the shape, the movement, it was that of a Kaiju, he panicked because it was coming right at them fast and unseen almost like it was... invisible?

"GET DOWN" Hiro shouts, bringing out his gun at the ready.

Seeing the gun all of the sudden, the personnel duck in fear and scream.

The Kaiju's came in a few on-air, stunning everyone. It came right at Hiro but he quickly gave it a head shut, blood splashed as it dropped to the ground in front of Hiro.

"A Kaiju?" Raiden said stun, everyone was shocked too. Where did it come from? And how come they couldn't see it?