Hard Target

Yuki got into position, a dark look in her eyes as she spoke "Blood Technique!" The sword blades beamed crimson from the flow of her blood. Causing it to be sharper and denser.

"TORNADO SMASH!!!" she shouts as she spins like a tornado force charging toward the Alpha in a wave.

The Alpha summons a large amount of energy from its mouth before blasting it towards her.

"Yuki look out!" Shino shouted.

Yuki's Gunbelt activates, the rope connected to the ground behind the Alpha. She uses the support to drift to the side as the energy beam zapped right past her. Her trembling eyes look at the tip of her hair that was caught in the blast causing strands to fly into the wind. That would have been her. She could have been torn in half if that beam was so much as touched.

She needed to be careful and avoid that blast as best as she could.