Hard Target

The Alpha roar came again, their attention drift to it.

It growled in pain as the bullet embodied in its forehead slowly slides out.

Shino checks his gun.

"Dammit I'm out of bullet" he cursed with clenched teeth.

"Yuki!" He hissed turning to her.

"You said the Alpha is after Hiro, we have to get him out of here and find the others".

Yuki froze at his words.

"The Alpha..." her eyes shakes.

"...Is after Hiro?" Her looks darken as her cheeks clenched hard.

She rise to her feet, clenching her hand tightly against her sword, not minding the excruciating pain she was in.

"It's not gonna lay a finger on him!" She hissed.

The Alpha roared as the bullet was finally out.

"My bullet didn't go deeper, but you might have a chance, you did that to its horn with your sword" he pointed out to one of the Alpha's broken horn.