Needle Point

Shino's eyes was shut close along with the others, in a shaky breath he slowly opened them, he gasp seeing what was right in front of him, the blue energy, right at his hand paused, he also saw blood from his hand, signifying the energy almost braced him, he gulps hard.

"Commander Shino you did it!" Izumi said elated.

"It was a close call" Sumi said gulping seeing that the energy also destroyed them. They would have all been a goner even by the simplest of mistake.

"Everything is in a pause" Yuki said looking around, amazed. Was this truly Shino's ability?

Shino pulled his hand down, going on one knee taking harsh breaths.

'That really took a toll on my body almost like my blood is being sucked out of my body' he thought between breaths. Whatever power he took to accomplish this nearly killed him. His head felt faint because of the blood loss.

"Quick! We must hurry, few seconds to go" Shino said in haste.