Fukuoka: The First Surface Base

Mosu kept running taking harsh breath.

"Hold on San...hold on, we're almost there" he got to the edge.

Few of the others already crossed over, rushing to him.

"Help me! San is hurt!" Mosu hissed giving out as he went on his knees taking harsh breath.

They helped San off his back placing lying him on the ground.

With one look at San, Kashi knew as his eyes sadden.

"Hey! You're a doctor, do your doctor stuff!" Mosu hissed pissed.

Kashi sad eyes met Mosu's, Mosu froze seeing his look.

"He's..." Ten eyes shakes.


"SHUT UP!" Mosu shouts.

"Mosu" Kaneki placed a hand on his shoulder but he jerk it off.

"Don't give me that bullshit, he can't be dead... I told him to hold on! Mosu always listens to me, so he can't be dead he can't be!" He hissed as his body trembled.

"His wound was very fatal, he's been slowly dying since the moment he got this wound, there wasn't hope for him" Kashi said sadly.