On Edge

Sand sat alone in the park watching the other kids play, he tried as hard to do so to allow the sinister figure beside him, the dark bloody figure of his little bro who followed him around.

Sand hair bangs now covered his eyes and he didn't mind, as long as his parents didn't have to look him in the eyes and be disgust.

"Ha... what a sunny day" a voice came in as a man sat beside him.

Sand turned to the strange man, he looked in his late forties, he had rings from the top of his ear down, also pierced, he had short brown hair, his eyes covered with round goggles, he was on a white suit, a yellow scarf around his neck. His skin was chocolate almost rare to see such color around here.

"Yo kid can you tell me where I can find the supermarket, I'm a bit lost, I ain't from around here" he said scratching the back of his head.

Sand stared at him dumb folded.