Roller Coaster

"Hey, Shino!"



"Wake up dammit!" Sumi hissed slapping Shino across the cheek.

He jolted awake instantly, holding his red cheek with Sumi's hand imprint.

"OUCH!!!!" he roared.

"What the hell did you do that for!" he hissed.

"Well you were passed out, out in the open, an inconvenient place to take a nap don't you think!" she said sassily.

"What?" Shino said dumbfounded.

Looking around the cluster of trees, he held his head in confusion.

"I don't understand"

"What don't you understand, you were napping out here, go figure," Sumi said with an eye roll, rising to her feet.

'Strange... I don't remember getting here or falling asleep... was I that tired?' he thought with shaky eyes, but there was this lingering feeling, a feeling that something was certain, he couldn't explain and why was he feeling pity? Was he concerned for someone or more felt someone's sadness? he couldn't explain it.