A Government Secret

Level 12: Civilian's Level


Anzai slurps his drink before dropping his glass down.

"How's the war plan coming up?" she asked drinking.

"An order has been issued... Prime Minister Kiyoshi is planning on putting up the strongest bio-genetics with the sole mission of defeating the Queen Kaiju" he explained.

"I see... it's a good plan if we're not sending them to their deaths" Touka said sarcastically.

Anzai frowned.

"You know that's not it... they are not going alone, they will have back up, we still need to find a way to keep the Alpha's busy so that the team can reach the Queen".

"And this team... lemme guess Hiro, Yuki, Shino, Ten, Haya... am I missing out any?" she said tilting her head to the side.

Anzai's eyes saddened.