
"Your bodies at this age can handle 15 levels, that's the full power we must work on that and harness it to full capacity, that's our trump card," Touka said.

"Yes bio-genetics that is the plan... under six months before we launch for war you're expected to have reached that level"

'Under six months?' Hiro thought with shaky eyes, before they could even get to this current level they were in, it took a lot of work, level 15 would be impossible in that amount of them.

He sweated, can they really pull that off?


'Level 15 under six months' Hiro thought as his blind orbs trembled. he slowly raised his head.

Hiro was alone in a white hall separated from the others, it was just him and a wall about 20 feet tall, smooth and shiny looking like metal but Hiro knew all too well that it wasn't, he gulped feeling the aura coming from it, it was strange and it felt powerful.

Suddenly Anzai appeared beside the wall like a computer glitch.