Operation "Break The Wall" [Part 5]

Anzai stared in awe as the spear launched to the ceiling masking with red energy, swirling around like a wave.

"TARGET!" instantly the spear gave a loud pulse sound, then directed to the wall from above, it came down in a zap jamming with the top of the wall, the impact made everywhere shock tremendously.

"Until it rips!" he yelled slamming his fist on his palm like he controlling the spear.

It dug more trying to penetrate. 'I will not stop!' Mosu thought fiercely as the energy disperse everywhere... making a wind blow. 'Not now...' San's smiley face flashed in his head. 'Or NEVER!'

He slammed his fist on this palm again as instantly the spear broke through the wall, dividing the wall into two, at the result the vibration disperse blowing Mosu backward, he lands on his butt, his back slammed the wall hard as he groaned.

"He broke it," Anzai said with a smile on his lips.

"Come San"