Operation "Break The Wall" [Part 7]

"BLOOD TECHNIQUE: COMBO ATTACK!" Kaneki shouts as his blade got more effective, the pistol en-craved in it shoots a bullet also, the simultaneous attack causes the wall to shook more, and then it cracked as it combusted, the force pushed Kaneki backward as he slammed to the ground hard.

He groaned in pain, his body numb.

"I did it," he said with a smile against his lips.

'You did good Kaneki' Anzai thought with a smile against his lips.


Control Tower

Touka smiled shaking her head.

"Okura Kaneki former Level Sp3: Level 2... now Sp3: Level 4" she announced.



"Hey Mizuki don't just stand there... time is running out," Anzai said, his eyes fixed on Mizuki who just stared at the wall, he hasn't lifted a finger ever since.

Mizuki placed his palm on the wall, he sighed.

"But General Anzai... no matter what I do it will just backfire... what's the point of breaking the wall?" he asked amused.