Uchida Anzai

'It's only a matter of time before it sets off another beam, it will be too late by then, guess I have no choice but to use it' his lips in a thin line pressed in a smile.

He looked up to the skies. 'How ironic' he thought. 'Uchida Anzai' he closed his eyes, but his smile remained. 'Is this as far as we go?' he opened them. 'Haruto...'


Years Ago

Anzai leaned against the iron, the ship passing over the bridge blew its loud horn, the wind gusting around swiftly, Anzai turned to Haruto beside him, his eyes on the city with a smile against his lips.

"I love this city Anzai" he began, the wind carrying his short spiky dim red hair weightlessly. "I love the people... which is why I want to protect it, as any General would"

Anzai sighed, bringing out a pack of a cigar. "Always a peacemaker old friend," he said, taking a stick of cigar into his mouth and lightening it.