Where It All Began

The loud roaring sounds of their Hellhound could be heard, they assembled just close to the barrier awaiting it to pull up so that they can move out.

Shino was leading at the forefront, the rest behind him as they waited patiently, the barrier lifted and their Hellhound's engine roared ready to zoom off, the barrier was finally opened for them and they zoomed out in speed, the barrier shutting behind them.

The rest of the Bio-genetics were left behind. Ten, Daiki, Homura, Mary, Yumi, Kaname, Haya, Himari, Ryu, Aimi. They all watched as the Strike Team drove into a distance.

_ _ _

Hours Later

Yumi groaned lifting some boxes, she dropped them on the floor before panting and wiping some sweat off her forehead, there was much work to be done, she can't slack now, the civilians needed shelter and homes, so she was helping them out, she couldn't protect the barrier like the others so she settled here where she might be needed.