*Diana's POV,*

... Today will be a new day for me, hopefully, everything will specifically go as I planned in a big way. I woke up early in the morning so that I don't get pretty late for anything. Starting from making my bed, to settling the apartment. I mostly have already taken a shower, freshen myself up, and ate my breakfast. Meanwhile, the driver arrives I should mostly start packing my stuff into boxes and label them... Now it's time for me to start moving out my stuff so that when the driver arrives it will be easy for him to load all the boxes to U-Haul...

It's 9:30 am and the driver who was supposed to reach my place by 9:00 am generally is still not here ugghhh!! "Where the hell is he?" This is not something that I planned for but let's not be demotivated and continue to work. Sometimes I somewhat think that I should have made some friends so then at least I wouldn't have been standing here all alone in this perfect and clear weather just to watch this beautiful blue and clear sky while I wait for the silly driver. Watching the sky mostly this clear blue sky, generally reminded me of my mother and how badly I wanted her here, next to me.

The driver arrived after ten minutes. His appearance was a little scary. He was bald and had the scary old man's face with a bushy beard. "Here you are," I said, "I have been waiting for you for thirty long minutes." The driver replies "I was stuck in traffic" I knew exactly where he was at, eating junk food and drinking beer in the roadside restaurant, I could smell his breath as he opened his mouth wide open to give his stupid non-existent reasons. Nevertheless, I could not be rude towards him because that's not what my mom taught me.

Oh shit! "Mom" which reminds me of the box, where did I keep it, I cannot for all intents afford to lose it, I essentially have always been clumsy but Oh God NO! Not this time. I must have left it in my locker. I went inside my house once again and started searching for it in the locker. I sighed in relief when I finally was able to find the box, I ran down the stairs and helped the driver to load all the stuff from the house to the U-Haul that I actually wanted to shift. After loading the things I sat beside the driver and we were headed towards the cottage.

After an hour or two we reached the cottage. I was so happy and sad at the same time. After seeing the place I was flooded with my old memories of the time I spent here with my mom and dad. I got teary-eyed. I asked the driver to start unloading the things and keep them inside the cottage, the driver agreed but asked for some fairly extra money to do that, like why do I have to pay him some extra money now as I had already paid for his work before? I asked him why so, after asking that he replied " Don't you really know it's" The Cottage" everyone talks about, what if something happens to me when I go inside?" I had nothing to say, I was already very tired to start an argument with him so I paid whatever amount he asked for and also I couldn't do it all by myself. Also if some of you really are wondering from where did I manage to get the money from, as I mentioned earlier my so-called father sends money once a month, and besides that, I also did some part-time jobs which are very common especially in a city like New Orleans. Thanks to mom though she left her bank book with the box. I wonder from where she managed to save all that money.

Many people were shocked knowing that I will be living here all by myself. Old people of New Orleans still think that the west side of the forest where my cottage is located is cursed and filled with supernatural things such as witches, fairies, monsters, vampires, and whatnot. According to me such things only exist in movies and series. Vampire and witches in real life....seriously, are you kidding me? If they do exist I would love to meet them and stay with them, it'll be better than staying around human beings...ha-ha! Not me questioning my lonely life now...

After thinking about all that I decided to clean my bedroom before going to sleep. As I was searching for the perfect room I saw stairs leading to a basement. A basement, I don't remember being here when I was a kid, I was really confused, did it even existed back then?!!" I will think about it tomorrow. First I should go and sleep"...