*Sebastians's POV*

"How can you talk like that?" Lucas said calmly, controlling his anger.

"It's because…I saw it…" I lied, I didn't see anything. Lucas's eyes widened. He trusts me, he believed what I said.

After that, we went to my house. My mother invited him.

"Boys!" She exclaimed as she saw us.

"You both are finally here. Come to the dinner table, let's eat first". We were eating peacefully. My mother was asking about our whereabouts and college. Lucas was telling her everything like he always did, like a "good boy" he is. But then he mentioned Diana. She stopped eating. I noticed it, Lucas, somehow managed to change the topic. I didn't know why my mother acted like that though.

"I'll take my leave then, Mr.s Glinda."

"Hey, take me with you," I said

She laughed at my words and said "I don't bite son."

We left my place.

*Glinda's POV*

"Diana, umm where have I heard this name? Mm...ahh...uh-huh… yes! She is Lizzie's daughter! What? How is she here? She shouldn't be. At least not near these kids. She can…" I did a spell and sent a message to Crystal. Since she was on the other side.

*Crystal's POV*

I was reading a book when I felt pages burning beside me. I flinched at first but then I realised what it was. I read it, it was a message from Mr.s Glinda. I smirked at what task she gave me. There was an address. I was supposed to be there at midnight sharp. There were some items mentioned that I was supposed to bring.

A Jimsonweed, a candle and a piece of Diana's hair. The last one was hard to get. But I sneaked up to her room and went near her dressing. She wasn't in her room. I made sure I was in disguise. By hook or crook, I was able to take a piece of her hair. I heard her footsteps so I hurried. Jumping out of the window was such a task!

I made sure I reached that place by midnight. A lady was waiting for me. She was dressed weirdly. She looked old but beautiful. She came closer to me and asked "Did you bring the things Glinda asked you to?" I nodded and gave her the things from my backpack.

"If there's something wrong with any of the things the spell won't work. Since it's a one time spell" I assured her that they were precise. She took the candle and put it inside a bowl full of blood. She lit it. On the other side, she had a pot in which there was black blood, I almost puked. She added the Jimsonweed ashes and Diana's hair. She started to stir it and was murmuring something. She took some of the ash and made a huge circle in the middle of the forest.

*Diana's POV*

I was feeling under the weather. I practised a lot today. I almost drained myself. I was smelling of sweat but I was so drained that I just plopped down the bed and slept without even showering.

*Author's POV*

Diana was finally sleeping peacefully as she was fatigued. But that didn't last long. She started to shiver and was feeling nervous. She woke up while taking a deep breath and coughed.

She felt dizzy and dozed off.

The next day she didn't wake up.

*Sebastian's POV*

It was the middle of the day and Diana didn't come to college. Lucas seemed sad, no matter how much he tried to dislike her. His heart won't listen. I was poking my cheeks because of his behaviour.

*Diana's POV*

I woke up and my head felt heavy. I looked at the time and was shocked. It was 5 pm!? "Oh my God, I missed college. Noo…"

Yesterday I was not feeling good and today was the worst. I freshened up and thought of walking down the forest.

I went out "huh! Haunted forest! As if" it's the safest place for me.

I was strolling around when my vision started to get blurry. I saw Emilia. What was she doing here?

*Emilia's POV*

I skipped classes. I wanted to see Crystal since she told me yesterday to meet her. I saw her waiting for me. I smiled and asked, " Did I keep you waiting?"

"No...absolutely not!"

We were about to leave when we both saw Diana. She didn't look good. I was about to go to her when everything seemed blurry.

*Author's POV*

Diana, Emilia, and Crystal stepped inside the jimsonweed ash circle. Which caused them to feel dizzy and cause dangerous illusions but the wounds they would get would be real. This was all the plan of Glinda!

*Diana's POV*

Emilia came near me and pierced a knife in my hands. It was the place where I had my so-called 'Guardian' mark. I got to know it was a Guardian mark when I was going through my mother's journal. It was painful. I have never felt pain like this ever in my life. I felt like my hand was scorching. I screamed my lungs out.

*Crystals POV*

Diana almost pierced a knife in my eyes but I stopped her and my hand bled uncontrollably. She backed off and went towards Emilia. The pain in my hand was unbearable.

*Emilia's POV*

Diana came towards me and stabbed me in the stomach. I hissed in pain. She pushed me against a tree and started to choke me, her nails digging into my skin making me scream in pain. I cried out of pain.

*Lucas's POV*

We were leaving for Our side, the four was normally talking when we heard a scream. My eyes widened because I knew who she was. Emilia!

"Let's go there," I said.

*Author's POV*

When they reached the direction from where the scream came from, they were shocked at what we were seeing.

Emilia was barely able to breathe, and Crystal was on the ground hardly conscious. But what they didn't know was it was all a hallucination for the boys.

When Emilia saw the boys she managed to get out of her grip and kick her down.

Diana felt the pain. Sebastian and Dylan went near Emilia, Sebastian took off his jacket pressed it against her stabbed part lightly to stop the blood flow.

Lucas and Jade came to Crystal, Lucas hugged her and asked her if she was okay? She nodded and sniffed while she hugged him.

*Asher's POV*

When I saw the boys going to the girls. I felt weird. Something was not right here, I needed to get out of there because that place felt full of negative energy, and I don't wanna waste my magic here.

I was about to leave when I saw Diana. She was helpless, unwanted to help her. But I couldn't. I left the place and felt upset about her. While walking I found a necklace dropped on the ground. It was my type. I picked it up and went to Our side.

*Diana's POV*

The blood kept draining out from my body. I chuckled at what I saw. How nobody came to me, not even Lucas. I felt a darting pain in my head and the birds came to me. The same ones. They whispered in my ears and I was stunned. They said it was all a hallucination, but it is real enough to leave a scar.

I understood what it meant because I had been through it. Anyhow I managed to get up and take a leave because I knew no one would help me. I was limping when somebody pulled me from my hand, it hurt more. I hissed and looked at the person, it was Lucas. He was teary-eyed. My look softened when I saw him but my emotion changed when he spoke out the words in a cold tone, I never thought he would.

"I never thought you'd turn out like this. I know Crystal has turned you a lot but how can you just...hmm...explain about Emilia, you guys were getting along. How can you do that to her? Didn't you like her? Or just jealous of her because she is someone close to us. You know what, when Sebastian told me that you aren't good enough. I didn't believe him, I still waited for you in the college today. just proved me wrong. You'll be alone, weak, without me. Just like you always were. Don't call me ever again"

With that, they left. Dylan gave me a look.

I smiled. This is what my life is like! I lost my best friend today. I mean I know Crystal and Emilia had been there for you for longer than I did. But couldn't he just believe me? I walked back to the cottage with a heavy heart.

I looked at my hand where the knife pierced, " So nobody will be able to see 'the Guardian' mark because of the stupid hallucination, and nobody would believe me. Great!"

I opened my drawer and took out the box that my mother left for me. "I think I should open it now." I opened it and it had a pearl inside. Same as my bracelet but more glamorous. There was a small note as well. I opened it and it read,

"This is the second pearl. Make sure to keep it safe. Your bracelet is the first pearl. You need to go to the supernatural side to find a necklace that looks like the one in the picture. It has the third pearl. When you get the three pearls, on a crescent moon in the middle of the forest, make a triangle out of the Pearl's. Since you are the owner you'll know what to do next. Make sure to gain your powers before it's too late".

I saw the picture. It was the same necklace that Sebastian wears. Why does his necklace have this pearl? I was disturbed. I kept the note back in the box and put it in the drawer. I was too tired to think anything.

The next day I met Caleb and Samantha. They came towards me like baby ducklings. But when they saw the mark on my hand, they got worried.

"What happened to you?" Caleb asked with concern written all over his face and puppy eyes. He's adorable, one must say. How can he play with girls' hearts then!?

"I was just practising and it just happened somehow."

They weren't believing what I said but when I kept saying they believed me.

*Samantha's POV*

I was angry at Diana. She just doesn't wanna open up. I was tired, but I understood her. If I was at her place. I'd leave this place. But she stayed. She's strong indeed.

"Hey we all are going camping, the college organised it. Let's go!" I asked.

Caleb said yes in an instant, I laughed but Diana stood still. "Tell naa…"

"Diana, it's a good idea, let us go!" Caleb said, whining.

She didn't want to go. I was able to make out that from her expression. I was about to give up when she said "Fine, let us go! I'll come. For sure!" Happily!

I was surprised. How her expression changed so fast but then I followed her gaze. So it was because of them.

*Diana's POV*

I didn't want to go on the trip. But then I saw Lucas. He ignored me but I kept glaring at him and I decided to go. I wanted to prove him wrong. I may be alone, but not weak.

"You have to start packing today because we are leaving tomorrow. Umm...sorry you're the last one to know." Samantha said while joining her index fingers. I was dumbfounded. "Help me pack then" I almost yelled. They both were laughing and I kept smiling.

The next day we were leaving for the trip. Samantha and Caleb ditched me. They reached before me and were already sitting on the bus. I got in and there were hardly any seats left. I sit behind Sam and Caleb because uhh cause why not?

I was sitting alone when I felt someone sit beside me. Crystal. I looked at her and was so done. I didn't want my morning to get ruined. I felt somebody glaring at me and it was her. I wanted to punch but what's the use. Some people just don't change.

We reached our campsite. It was beautiful. "You made the right decision. That's what you're thinking right?" Caleb asked. I smiled and nodded. We were setting up our tents. Why was our tent near Lucas's and Sebastian!? While setting up I didn't notice, and my belongings fell and by my belongings I mean my bow and arrow.

And everybody noticed what I was carrying, why couldn't they mind their own business? I picked it up and kept it inside our tent.

We were supposed to light our bonfire. I wasn't able to find our lighter. Caleb bought his lighter and helped us light up. Even though the sun was still up. It was cold.

We all talked and enjoyed ourselves. My eyes fell on Emilia while talking. I could see the marks on her neck even if she wore a little scarf to cover it. I felt sorry. Even though it wasn't me who hurt her but the fact they all thought it was me was just…

We all were supposed to take some stuff from our teachers for the night. I bumped into someone "sorry" I said I didn't see who it was when I looked at the person it was Sebastian. He looked disappointed when he saw me. "Should be!" he said and left. I know I have hurt them but can't they...leave it it's of no use anyway.

*Asher's POV*

The crescent moon was near and I wanted Diana to turn Guardian by then otherwise it'd be too late. But her Guardian mark wasn't visible anymore!

Sebastian didn't know but his necklace has the third pearl. If I tell him to give it to Diana he will destroy the necklace himself. Sebastian went to change. I managed to take a hold of his necklace. I took out the pearl. It was a hella task!

I kept it inside a small pouch with a note.

"Huh, I hope Diana gets this!"

*Diana's POV*

I was inside the tent, setting up the clothes when I saw an unfamiliar pouch. "Where did this come from?" I opened it and saw a Pearl! And a note again!?? I kept the pearl inside and read the note,

''You don't have to know who I am. Just make sure you turn into a Guardian on the next crescent moon. The two worlds need you! You might have not noticed but mundane is getting controlled by demons and doing the things they shouldn't. I hope you make your choice.

-Your well-wisher! "

I didn't know what to do. I just kept it inside. The sun went down and the sky was painted black! It was pitch dark. The place gleamed with lanterns and bonfires. It looked glorious. I was just strolling and smiling because the air was fresher.

"Emilia's POV*

I was walking around with Dylan when I saw Diana strolling and smiling! How can she? After what she did to me…"Don't you wanna take revenge?" Dylan asked. I was mad at her. "I'd love to!" I said.

Dylan and smirked and said "let's do this then"

*Dylan's POV*

When Emilia agreed for revenge I was glad. I didn't like Diana and after what she did to Emilia. It's hard to trust her. I went behind her and pulled her and brought her into the forest. She was trying to let go but I was stronger. I couldn't use my vamp speed because I still can't let her know about us and she shouldn't. Cause I didn't believe that she was the Guardian.

I pushed her against a tree and smirked. I was about to go near her neck when Emilia stopped me. "She's mine for the night Dylan" I stepped back with my hands "All yours!"

The look on Emilia's face was so devilish. I liked it.

*Diana's POV*

I know they wouldn't understand anything I say to them but the look on Emilia's face scared me to death.

She came nearer and whispered in my ear "Be prepared for...