Legend of Yu Zeng

No one truly knew when cultivators appeared in this world. The current inhabitants just accepted the fact they exist without even knowing how they truly came to be.

Countless legends exist to explain the appearance of cultivators in this world yet among all those legends only one is widely accepted, it is the 'Legend of Yu Zeng'.


In a forest full of lush and vibrant trees, a young man is currently running for his life for a wolf has been chasing him.

"Beast! Don't you dare come near me!" The man said while running for his life.

Nevertheless, the beast that has been chasing him never stops. It didn't heed his warning nor did it even comprehend it.

The young man continued running, various injuries have been appearing on his body, blood has been oozing out of his body at a fast rate.

He felt indignant for he felt that the world has never treated him fairly.

"Why is it that these beasts have companions yet I never have one?"

"Why am I the only unique one in this world? This beast that has been chasing me has plenty of their kin that helps each other yet I am alone trying his hardest to live in this unfair world."

"Why must you treat me like this? What have I done for you to treat me with prejudice? I have just tried to live like those beasts who can yet why must you kill me?"

"What is my purpose here?"

The young man felt bitterness for the world has never treated him fairly. Wolf has packs but he a human never has one, other beasts that are alone are powerful.

He like those beasts that are alone only has one similarity and it is that they are both alone but the difference is that they are strong, the number one requirement to live in this world that is dominated by these beasts.

The young man felt many emotions, mostly those of unwillingness. He wanted to live but as time drags on his rate of survival only dwindles.

He looks at his front and he saw a light, for the first time since the moment he has been running he felt that he still has a chance to live. Even though he is confused earlier and has been asking about the reason why he still lives, there is still one question that is always in his mind.

"Can I survive this predicament and continue living?"

The answer to his question lays ahead in front of him so he runs and dragged his injured body without regard for his injuries. He is only losing blood at a faster rate, his body that is in a bad state will only worsen causing his death if not treated.

Even so, he didn't stop once. What lies ahead is the answer to his question. As a human, he knew that he is unique to other beasts that he has seen.

For him those beasts only act because of their instincts, he is different because he can think outside of his instinct. This knowledge, he never knew where they came from nor did he question it.

He just accepted that it is normal, those beasts have incredible strength compared to him. He only has the knowledge and the ability to think, hence he used it to his advantage and created things that can help him survive in this world.

He created a spear made out of stone that he sharpened and a hard, thick branch of a tree.

It helped him in fighting these beasts, he also realized that the more he fights the more experience he became giving him various sorts of information on how to fight properly, using this experience his fighting method became more refined but a human has its limit.

No matter how much knowledge he has, in this world full of dangers the most important thing is strength. He realizes his shortcoming and tried to compensate for it but it never works.

Those beasts who can run fast, have incredible strength and mysterious abilities unique to them. He knew that with the knowledge he has he will never surpass those that's why he tried to settle down in a secret place to live safely.

It works for a long time, he settled safely and provided his needs using nature and evading dangers like beasts that roam the world.

Despite him trying his hardest to live safely, the world can't endure his existence anymore hence countless disasters came. Since that day he no longer has a place he can settle for a long time, he has to roam constantly or many beasts will find him.

It is like the world is having fun playing hide and seek and the world uses these beasts to find him and he has to constantly hide or else he will die.

The young man is already near the light but the wolf who he tried to fought earlier has already caught up to him, it jumped and flew in the air.

The young man used his experience and his ability to detect danger to use the stone spear in his hand to defend himself.

He looked back and did a piercing motion to the mouth of the wolf but the world is shrewd, it will never let its pawn die that easily. Not after the world tried to kill him but failed many times.

The wolf dodged it by leaning quickly, it avoided a grave danger but the young man's aim is not the mouth of the wolf but its legs. If it is that easy to kill he would have done so earlier but this time the world is truly keen on killing him hence it sent a strong pawn.

The legs of the wolf are strong, his spear made out of stone didn't make a very deep wound on it.

His sharp stone spear has become dull, it has already lost its sharpness. It became blunted due to the tough pelt and defense mechanism of the wolf in front of him.

After counterattacking the young man continued running, the injury that he caused to the wolf is enough to buy time so he can continue running and live.

"Hehehe" The young man laughed after realizing that the wolf slowed down and the bright light in front of him is just ahead of him.

He can continue living another day.

He thought.

The bright light ahead of him is just the bright light of the sun, he hallucinated, he thought that the answer lies ahead of him yet what is in front of him is a cliff. He tried to look at how deep it is but he never knew how deep it is because of the darkness that lays in front of him.

The sun's rays can't even light it up.

It is at this time that the wolf walked slowly in front of him, it looks at his eyes and licks its mouth. He knew that this wolf is mocking him, the wolf never truly thought of giving its best at hunting his food.

The injury that he caused in its leg isn't even there. It healed completely and when he sees this he suddenly felt tired all of a sudden. He no longer has any chances of surviving.

He no longer has any chance to survive but he wanted to continue living, it is his instinct to live. A human, like other beasts, also has instincts, he knew it and it is because of his instinct to live that he continued running for his life but all of it is useless for he has no worth to the world.

"There is still a chance for me to live! Maybe there is water below!" He thought, the wolf is still mocking him and is oblivious to his thoughts.

He steeled himself and jump, the wolf in front of him is surprised and wouldn't want to let go of its lunch hence it also jump. The wolf is surprised at the height of the cliff, it thought that it is only shallow since the human in front of him jumped but when it looks at how dark its depth is, it suddenly somersaulted mid-air.

With its control in its body, it landed just on the land but it almost died due to the force of its jump making it almost slip and fell to the cliff. The wolf almost slipped but it has unbelievable luck that it survive for another day.

The young man who jumped saw it and cursed, based on his knowledge that should not happen. It should die alongside him, it should not be able to do that. It didn't make any sense.

He felt bitterness again since the hope that he thought of is actually his cause of death. The chances of there being water are so low hence he knew that his time is coming but he still wanted to continue living even if just for a few seconds.

He didn't want to die, as the only human being in the world, he wanted to continue living to find another one like him and to know the reason for his existence.