
A few minutes earlier...

"Lord Zhang Zou Yongnian! Student Zhang Xi Yun is causing trouble by beating up his classmates!" A man in a simple blue robe with a sword in his side said while kneeling in front of Lord Zhang Zou Yongnian.

"Hmm, It's still the first day of the academy and they already can't wait to establish their hierarchy? Let them be since it is a custom every year." Zhang Zou Yongnian, also known as the academy head said to the servant that is kneeling in front of him.

"My lord, I don't think this is just a simple thing to establish hierarchy. I believe that student Zhang Xi Yun is also robbing his classmates of their spirit stones." The servant said to the academy head while sweating heavily, by saying this he is risking his life.

"How can you say that Xi Yun is robbing them? Did you have any proof?" The academy head said with a frown on his face, clearly dissatisfied with what he heard.

"Yes, I saw Xi Yun knocked down one of his classmates and taking the spirit stones in their pouch." The servant said while shivering when he remembered what Xi Yun did to his classmates.

The academy head doubts the word of the servant in front of him so he looks at one of his servants and says "Go confirm if what he is saying is true."

The servant took a bow and quickly left the place. The academy head is calm, the situation where the students fought is always happening in the academy since there is no rule that forbids it.

In actuality, the academy actually encourages battles among students since this will enrich their experience as a spirit cultivator. The academy will even make an event out of battles and will reward the most outstanding students.

The servant quickly goes to the academy gates where the servant that is reporting earlier said that the event transpired. He quickly arrived there and saw what Xi Yun is doing to his classmates.

"Classmate Yun, you know that spirit stones are a very valuable resource to us especially in the early phases of our cultivation so please spare our spirit sto.." A girl said and the servant heard it and he frowned, he knew what is going on right now.

Nonetheless, he is surprised at what happened next, he didn't spare the girl and he fiercely punched her face knocking her out and in the next moment, he also broke one of the girl's bones and made it look like an accident.

The servant although not a spirit cultivator and is just a simple mortal martial artist felt that something is wrong with the accident. He can tell that something is wrong and it shouldn't just be an accident so he looks at the other students that are also knocked up and realized what kind of fucked up event happened.

The students that are lying on the ground unconscious are bleeding and some of their bones are twisted in ways that look horrendous. He even saw Xun Peng whose nose is broken, as the new hope of the clan everyone has heard of him but now he is nothing like the hope of the clan at all.

All of those who are lying on the ground look dead in one way or another.

After observing the situation some more, he wanted to stop this event from happening so he is about to step up but he stopped midways. In the end, he is nothing but a mortal martial artist and he has no right to interfere within the matter of those who have the Zhang surname.

Only those who can become spirit cultivators from the clan can only bear that surname and he is not qualified to bear that surname.

So the servant gritted his teeth and looked again to only to see that Xi Yun is fighting Han Yaouzu and Xing Huang, those two came from the top factions of the clan so they should be able to buy him some time in order to summon the academy head here.

The servant quickly ran and he didn't look back anymore, if he looks back he will be disappointed to realize that Han Yaouzu and Xing Huang are already defeated.

Meanwhile, the academy head continues in sipping his tea and not even a few minutes passed when the servant that he sent came back.

"My Lord! Student Zhang Xi Yun is causing big trouble! Not only is he beating up his classmates, but he is also intentionally injuring them! Most of the students that are lying on the ground are bleeding and some of their bones are twisted in different directions!" The servant said in a hurry, just after entering the hall where the academy head is in and he quickly shouted what he wanted to say and forgetting the custom.

"Not only that! He is also blackmailing his classmates for them to surrender their spirit stones for him! I'm afraid that we have to stop him my lord or it will be too late!" He added.

"Are you sure about that? You do realize what will happen if you lie to me right?" The academy head said while frowning, due to what he heard the sweet tea that he is drinking felt bitter now.

"My Lord I'm so sure about this! If we go now we will be able to catch up to them before they leave!" The servant quickly said and this time the academy head believe him.

The academy head stood up from his seat and he quickly used his movement-type spirit to reach the place quickly. The speed of the academy head is fast and there he spotted Xi Yun collecting spirit stones from his classmates.

He is above the air, he is using the Tier 3 Spirit, Red Eagle. The Red Eagle Spirit will give its user tough wings allowing its user to fly into the sky with speed matching that of great eagles.

The drawback though is that it consumes spirit essence very fast for the common folks but the academy head is not one of those common folk since he has third-class talent, a talent that is not common among the clan.

The academy head is in the sky and he quickly gets near to the place where Xi Yun is collecting spirits stones to know what is happening and there he realizes what is happening after he saw the bodies of the students lying on the ground unconscious.

The students who handed the spirit stones to Xi Yun are soon about to leave, so the academy head has to prevent them to know what fucked up thing happened here.


"All of you stop! No one is allowed to leave" At this moment a sophisticated voice can be heard and soon Xi Yun's classmate that is about to leave stopped in their tracks.

'Took you way too long to arrive.' Xi Yun thought while smiling, if the academy head arrived earlier then he might have some problems in collecting the spirit stones but he arrives way too late so he can't stop them now.

"Explain to me what is happening right now!" The academy head shouted to the students while he is descending from above the ground, they spotted big red wings from the academy head's back.

"Xi Yu.." Someone wanted to say something but Xi Yun look at her and she stopped what she is about to say.

They are still terrified by what Xi Yun did to their other classmates after all and although they felt indignant by what happened to them they don't have any courage right now.

They don't have courage even if the academy head is to support them right now since they suffered some physiological trauma from Xi Yun's brutality.

"Academy Head, we, the students of the academy are just having a match and on the way, we wagered our spirit stones to make the match more spicier," Xi Yun said to the academy head while cupping his fist and bowing his head a little bit.

"You are telling me that this is just some simple battle with how much injured these students are?" The academy said while frowning and approaching Xun Peng whose nose is broken and bleeding, his face also looks horrendous.

The academy head used his healing spirit, in his hands a rose appeared and the thorns on the rose enveloped the nose of Xun Peng and a miraculous event transpired, the broken and bleeding nose of Xun Peng recovered.

"Servants! Help these injured students and bring them to the clinic and tell the healing spirit master there to cure the students" The academy head said and soon the servants in the academy get to work.

They carried the students carefully and brought them to the clinic to heal their injuries, the academy has one since it is very common for students to injure themselves when they are having battles.

"You have to explain this to me," The academy head said while looking at Xi Yun and the other students.