Academy Head's Scheme

Zhang Clan's Academy.

'The weather is just nice, it is windy today so its good to sleep right now' A youth thought while closing his eyes, he is under the shade of trees so the sun's lights can't reach him at all.

"Today, I will be teaching you martial arts!" A burly man with a bald head said in front of the youths.

"As a spirit cultivator, knowledge is very important so the academy is making sure to teach you theoretical knowledge that you will need but the academy is also responsible for teaching you how to fight." He added.

"I will be teaching you the proper fighting techniques in the next few days! After that, we will be having a competition and whoever won will be awarded 50 spirit stones!" The burly man said which reignited the empty look of the youths.

'Now that I have think of it, we are not supposed to learn martial arts in the first week. We should only learn martial arts after we have already advanced to the early stage of Tier 1, I must have beaten my classmates so bad that the academy head has no choice but to tell someone to instruct them martial arts' Xi Yun thought while resting peacefully under the trees.

He is not interested at the martial arts that the instructor will thought since in the end of the day martial arts is only a technique that mortals can use. In front of spirit cultivators it is nothing.

'The present have changed, the academy head didn't trust me when I said that I will not be injuring them so he is forced to taught them how to fight so that it will not happen again' He thought after listening to the rustling of the trees and the exasperated shouts of his classmates.

There are only 20 students that are present today, Xi Yun injured some of them badly that they have to recuperate so they won't be attending the classes for a while. They need to focus on their recovery.

'My plan worked' Xi Yun thought, his intention in injuring them badly is so that they will be behind in cultivation.

Based on his memories, the first one to advance to the early stage of Tier 1 is going to be awarded a hundred spirit stones. It is a good gesture of the clan to support Xun Peng's cultivation since he will be the first one to advance with his talent.

That is already a high amount for someone and Xi Yun will make sure to get that 100 spirit stones.

Right now, Xun Peng is still recuperating. Xi Yun made sure to give him a rough beating along with the two heirs and although Xun Peng and the heirs will be given good medical care, they will still need some time before they can go around their normal life again.

Those who are injured and are still recuperating need to catch up to the lessons of the academy head if they don't want to fall behind meaning that there would be less time for them to cultivate.

Robbing them of their spirit stones will also be another reason for their cultivation to fall behind but their family will be supporting them with their spirit stones so it is not going to be a problem for them at all.

Most of the mortal families will be saving spirit stones in their whole life while wishing someone from their family to awaken as a spirit cultivator and then they will use those spirit stones to support his or her cultivation at the start.

As for those whose parents are spirit cultivators, spirit stones are indeed not a problem to them most of the time.

So the theme of the competition will be time, whoever has the most time to cultivate will be the first one to win.

'It is a race of time and although my plan is indeed a dirty one to eliminate competition, as long as it works it is not a bad plan.' He thought again this time while hearing the angry shouts of the instructor.

Although he is asleep, he is still conscious of his surroundings, this became a normal thing for him since a spirit cultivator is vulnerable when they are sleeping so to solve this, he made sure to always be aware of his surroundings and after a long practice, he can even think clearly at that state.

"Your forms are wrong! You guys need to put weight into your punches if you wanted to not tire yourself out and for your punch to be more powerful!"

The bald instructor said to the youths who are punching a training dummy.

"I will it to you again and make sure to observe well! After this, we will have sparring matches to see what you have learned!" He said and the youths cower fearfully after looking at a certain sleeping guy.

"Tsk, If you don't want your asses to get whoop then learn properly," The instructor said in an irritated tone after seeing the fearful look of his students to a lazy guy who actually dared to sleep in their training session.

After saying that, the bald instructor soon gets into a stance executing a perfect punch and making the training dummy in front of him destroyed.

The training dummy is made of some good materials and the instructor easily destroyed it using the force of a mortal so the youths can't help but had a sudden realization.

'If we managed to have that force from our punches then does that mean we can defeat Xi Yun and end his tyrant attitude?' They all thought of that so this time they worked even harder.

They punched the training dummy in front of them too many times until some of their fist are bleeding making the instructor nod at their resolve to learn and get stronger.

The instructor fixed some of their awkward posture making their punches and movements much more fluid but they still can't even destroy the training dummy that they are punching.

Nonetheless, they continued doing it because they hope that one day they can surpass Xi Yun.

They will be disappointed to know that the reason behind the instructor's strong punch is because he has a spirit that enhances strength and it is an accumulation of his decades of experience as a fighter, so if they don't have that experience and spirit they won't be able to have that strength at all.

The youths continued their training and in one of the windows near the training ground, an elder with his long white beard is watching them.

'Xi Yun, you still dare to sleep in the class and you are not even training your body. With this, they will be able to surpass you quicker and you will not be able to bully them at all' The academy head thought to himself while sipping tea and observing the students of the academy training wholeheartedly.

'How will you respond to this plan of mine?' The academy head asked and then he thought of what he will do if he the one on Xi Yun's position.

'What is your plan now? They will only grow stronger and unite to overthrow a tyrant. You are just making my plan work easier with your attitude.' The academy head thought while observing Xi Yun's peaceful sleeping face. There isn't even a trace of worry on his tranquil face.

That is because he is not worried about his classmates' martial arts at all. At the end of the day, it is but a fighting technique and when it came to the fighting technique he is the one who has the most advantage.

His fighting technique is refined by thousand-year so it is not something that can be easily beaten with a mortal strength. It will be a different story if it is a strong spirit though.

Right now, Xi Yun is at his most vulnerable. His strength is meager and it won't make that much of a difference in this huge world.

The students trained very hard and soon the shouts stopped.

'The students trained very hard today and they are already tired. It will be a bad idea to make them spar for today, some of them are even injured due to the tough materials of the dummy so it is best to stop at this point.' The instructor thought and he looks at the sky.

It is still quite early and there is still some time before the sun falls but due to the state of the students, he has to forcibly stop this training session.

"Alright! I have seen that you guys are all hardworking! We will be having our sparring session for tomorrow when you are at your peak!" The instructor said while nodding to himself, this is the first time that he handled a class that is so motivated to learn martial arts with his large expertise.

"Those who have injuries go to the clinic first, they will heal your injuries there. Although it is just some bruises in your body as injuries, getting it treated will be better so that you will have no problem tomorrow." The instructor said reminding those who sustained injuries in the training session.

Hearing those pleasant words that seem to act as a trigger to wake up Xi Yun, he opened his eyes, stood up, and left the academy without saying any words.