Bullshit ideals

"I see, so you do like him. Haha, it's fine, everybody likes Mason. Glad you realized that he is out of your league."

My sense sharpened instantly when I heard that from Chrissy. I could sense that she'd become hostile after I replied to her question.

I scoffed in my heart, Chrissy was that obsessive stalker that acted as if she wasn't into her idol, but she was actually doing a witch hunt on every girl here and targeted them in every way possible until they dared not talk to Mason anymore.

Maybe the one who had spread gossip that I forced Mason to have sex with me in the infirmary was this girl in front of me.

I knew she had targeted me when I ambiguously replied that Mason was out of my league instead of outright denying my interest.

"Then how about you, Chrissy? Do you have any interest in him?" I asked with an amiable grin on my face.

Chrissy's smile cracked after I threw the question to her, "He is also out of my league."

"Ah, I see. That means you're interested in him, right? Well, glad that you understand he is also out of your league," I added.

I saw the crack in Chrissy's calm facade, she still had the smile on her lips, but she was definitely angry that I returned her words.

"But I've known him longer than you, and I know him better. Sorry to say girl, but Mason is just too good for you," Chrissy said.

This seemed to be her method of cutting down any potential threats by pulling them down, even though she gained nothing out of it.

I mean, if she had liked Mason for so long without ever confessing and instead was just bullying anyone who dared to have interest in Mason, it was already a sign of a stalker.

"Too good for us, you mean?" I smiled. "It's a bit unfortunate though, you've known him longer, but he doesn't seem to notice you."

"Well, just as you said, he is out of our league. No need to sweat over it," I added.

Chrissy remained silent after that. The smile on her face disappeared, but it made me feel relieved.

While it was true that I had to be careful in this second chance, I didn't want to keep acting weak in front of Chrissy. Because in my previous life, I kept befriending her for one year, and she got me into so much trouble.

I knew this meant war, but fuck it, just for her, I'd rather start a real war than the backhanded one like in my previous life.

"Ah, we're going to be late for our class. Let's go," I said, still acting amiably as if I said nothing hurtful to her.

"No, you go first. I want to meet MY friends," Chrissy said.

I almost chuckled when I heard that. In the first year, I knew that Chrissy's friends were all playing with her because she was mediocre to the bone.

I left her and walked to my class, History, with Mr. Carman.

I joined the class with Mr. Carman, who was eyeing the students and handed us the introductory questionnaire. In my previous life, I used this to make myself stand out by becoming the one who volunteered to read their essay aloud.

But I knew it wouldn't give me anything good in this life, especially when there was a teacher's pet here.

"Now, I know this is a bit sudden. But the tradition in my class is to have one representative read their questionnaire out loud. This will represent your ideas of what you want in the future. Who wants to volunteer?"

This was the cue for me to volunteer in the previous life, but I kept my hands cupped under the seat and scanned around the class instead.

I remembered most of the faces here. Most of them ignored or bullied me before. But at least, none of them had their contemptful gaze on me. Some were curious about a new face, which was me, and the rest were focused on the teacher.

The class became quiet for a moment until a guy suddenly raised his hand, "I will, Mr. Carman!"

"Oh, sure, come in front," Mr. Carman said.

The guy walked to the front, a preppy guy with permed hair and a fully buttoned white shirt. He had a bright smile and introduced himself.

"My name is Albert Aimer. Pleased to meet you."

"Good, Mr. Aimer, please read your questionnaire out loud."

Albert Aimer started reading his questionnaire proudly, something that I had done before.

"My personal vision in this school is to be a student council president in the future!"

Heh, same answer like I had before.

"I hope we all can work together, strive for a better future as one to pave a greater future for the new students!"

Bullshit, you were the one who pushed me down the gutter after you realized that I was competition. I reminded myself not to snap when I heard all the hypocrisy spouted from that guy's lips.

I had a traumatizing experience with him when I was recruited as a potential candidate for a Biology Competition. He ripped and threw away my research paper, so he had no competition to be the one representing the school.

They said only the ones on top of the food chain could bully, but even someone as low as Albert could push me even further.

This place had no pity for the weak and naive.

"One more thing, I want fair competition whenever there is one. I believe in equal chance!"

Equal chance? What a load of Bullshit.