My first date (1)

Saturday Morning, 

I woke up early today, too early, in fact. Because when I checked the clock, it was still 4 in the morning. 

But I couldn't sleep anymore. I got nervous, afraid that I might miss the date with Mason. 

I didn't know how I could be this nervous, especially knowing that Mason and I had nothing happening between us. This was just a date because he felt gratitude towards me. 

I got up and checked the clothes I wanted to wear for the date today. Since I didn't want to overdress, and I also didn't have many clothes, to begin with, I just wore simple jeans and a long-sleeved black shirt. 

I knew it wasn't that beautiful or charming for a first date, but fuck that, I didn't have any intention to impress Mason in the first place. 

I sat on my bed, checking my text with Mason. He hadn't texted me after the last text two days ago, but he said he would share the location once he got there earlier.