Sunday investigation (1)

I spent my Sunday doing nothing but staring at my phone. I kept staring at Mason's text. The last text was still him asking me for a second date later.

I left him on read because I didn't know what to say. 

Of course, I loved to have a second date with him. He was gentle, fun, and of course, dreamy as heck. But at the same time, I also hated the fact that I had to act like a burglar because I had to keep my watch everywhere, afraid that someone from our school might've seen us.

It was just a simple date, and it was tiring already. 

Ah, maybe when I had enough resources, whether it was popularity and backing to fight Jessica, then I could do that. Though, Mason might've lost interest in me when that time finally arrived.

"What makes him interested in me anyway?" I pondered. I wasn't dense enough not to realize that Mason had an interest in me.