A gay sissy (2)

Noah's hand was shaking for even holding a tumbler, "T—Thank you…" he said with a low voice. "I… I need to leave now…."

"Wait, just sit down and rest first, and also…." I stared at him deeply. I also got curious about what happened. "What happened to you?"

Noah hesitated. He shook his head and smiled bitterly, "It's nothing serious…."

Of course, I knew why he refused to tell me. It was about his secret as a gay. I didn't have anything against that since I believed love is love, as long as both parties consented. But I knew plenty of people who opposed it and even dehumanized someone with a different sexual orientation.

"Uh… you're beaten like this, and you still said it's nothing? Oh, come on! Do you need to die first before telling me?" I protested. 

Noah chuckled lightly, "That's funny. Because I don't think I'll ever tell anyone—not anymore."