Another offering

"In fact, everything that you told me just now is a good key. It's our key to take them down," I said. 

"Huh? What do you mean, Em?"

"We are going to trap them, Noah."

"T—Trap!? You're going to trap them?!"

"Why are you so shocked? It's the best way to take them down. I'll come up with a plan later, but for now, I think you should endure it," I said. 

Noah looked hesitant, but he nodded obediently in the end, "Well, I'll most likely try to hide in here, so they won't just find me and beat the heck out of my body."

"Yeah, that's a good idea. This place is a good hiding spot because nobody dares to come in uninvited," I said, assuring Noah that he'd be okay in this club.