Out of OUR league

"N—Nothing, I just think that you'll look so cool as an actor. You have an actor's face," I tried to compliment him more to shift his attention. 

And it worked, it seemed, because there was a tint of redness on Mason's cheeks, "You really think so?"

I was stunned by his reaction. He got a lot of similar praises, but I've never seen him acting so shy with a blush on his cheeks. 

"Do you think that I'll be a good actor?" He asked again.

"Uh… indeed…" I nodded. Honestly, by the time it was senior year, Mason was already so popular that it was difficult to go to school normally. 

I thought he'd do homeschooling instead, or at least take one year break before returning to senior high school. Because he was so busy with movie shoots and advertisements. 

His face was everywhere, literally, and all social media was flooded with his image. He became the icon of teen-idol two years from now.