Investigating Assault (2)

"Em, there is an initial here."

"Huh? Initial?" I frowned when he said that. I never checked the vases, as I just stored and wiped them every few days to keep them clean because Logan made them intricately and seemed to treasure those vases. I felt bad if I didn't take care of those vases. 

"Yeah, there is an initial at the bottom of the vase," Noah reported. He used his phone flashlight to check the initial and then showed a surprised face, "Uhmm…."

"What? What did you see?" I asked curiously. 

"The initial is… LLE?" Noah said. 

I was confused, and my frown got deeper, "LLE? What does that mean?"

"I'm not sure, but people usually put that kind of initial for their names or someone they loved," Noah explained, which got me even more confused.