Boys' secret (1)

But… what if Grandma genuinely knew what was best for me?

That idea flashed in my mind as I entered my room. I kept thinking about what Grandma said about this red rose guy. 

She seemed to be so ingrained about the idea of me marrying this creepy dude as if he was truly the savior I had been waiting for so long that I could save my and my family.

I got it, she was old, and maybe it was just her old, nonsensical dementia ramble…

"But I have 0 clue of what I want. I don't know what kind of boyfriend that I want either. And Mom's marriage… is not a good example."

I threw myself to the bed and buried my face in the pillow for a good while.

"Hrrgghh! Screw this! I'm only 16! Why do I think about fricking marriage!?" I yelled out of frustration and then calmed down soon after.