Agitated Mason

"Let's go, Em. I promised myself to never let you stay in this tool shed, not on my watch," Mason said.

Hold on, I felt like… Mason had just dropped a big bomb just now. But I was still too distracted with him basically saying he knew Noah was gay. Despite me never saying it to anyone, let alone a guy who was continuously flocked by many girls. 

Noah was stunned when Mason grabbed my wrist and clenched it tightly, a bit too tight, actually. Because I winced in pain in the process.

Mason looked at Noah for the last time and said, "I never have a problem with anyone's sexual orientation. But you know not to mess around with me… or her."

Mason pointed at me, which implies the 'her' in that sentence was me. And it got me even more confused. Mason was really confusing me right now, and I didn't know how to react. I just looked at Noah apologetically and signaled him to continue hiding in the toolshed until I called him again.