Request notes

I ripped another sheet of paper and then paused for a moment, thinking of good wording, and then started writing the request. 

After I was done, I read it and imagined if I was in Thomas and his gang's position, whether I would be taking this request as logical or not.

A request to beat up a guy in the schoolyard on Friday, 06.00. He will be standing alone in the middle of the schoolyard because I have baited him. 

Beat him to a pulp. If he is bloody, that's even better. I will pay you 2000 dollars in the box. However, if you did a great job, then I will give you 2000 more.

That was the anonymous request note I wrote for Thomas and his gang. It was fairly standard and logical, especially since the target was a man. So there wouldn't be any grievance or second thought on Thomas side.