Christmas phone calls

Today was December 25th, Christmas. 

I didn't spend much time in my house other than baking food and watching random Christmas movies. We weren't rich enough to buy a Christmas tree, and it was way too expensive anyway. Might as well save it just in case there was something urgent, like paying bills, Grandma's health, or if the car broke down. 

I got a few texts from a few people, my friends were Noah and Elise, who wished me Merry Christmas, and they also thanked me for all the good deeds that I did for them, whatever that meant. 

And there were three boys who called me. Something that was absolutely impossible back then. 

Honestly, it was almost unbelievable that I got in a total of five people who sent me Merry Christmas texts. I never got any in my previous life. 

The boys were Mason, Logan, and that creepy red rose man.