The Science Club President

After I left with Mason, Elise returned to the main building because the day had started, and many students were already walking around the school. 

I went to my biology class and found that I wasn't the first one there. A guy with a fully buttoned shirt and glasses reading a book while waiting for the teacher. He was the first one in class today.

I sat far from him because I didn't want to talk with that pretentious guy who ruined my chance to ever get a scholarship because he shredded my biology research paper submission, so he wouldn't get any competition.

The guy glanced in my direction and got up. He walked towards me and stood right in front, "Good morning, my name is Albert Eimer, and I am the new club president for the Science club. We're doing a recruitment process. You look like a diligent student that will fit in our group. You should come to my Club after class, and you won't regret it, especially since I am the leader."