[Bonus chapter] Setup (2)

__PHone call with Elise__

"Elise, we should meet tomorrow after school ends. Do you think Mona will be free for a talk?"

"She should be, but we need to meet somewhere else. How about that usual cafe we usually met?" Elise offered, reminding me of that cafe where I met her first.

That place wasn't far from the school, but it was very quiet and empty most of the time. Maybe because most students couldn't afford to buy some expensive coffee, or even if they did, they would just go downtown and go to the shopping district instead.

"Do you think Mona can meet us there after school ends?"

"Yes, she can. She is mostly free other than working in her parent's cafe," Elise replied.

"Okay, then, I will be waiting tomorrow. Have you told her about our plan?"

"She knows everything, Em. Don't you remember that she is the one who delivered the fake love letter to Miss Brittany Alba when we're trying to take down Thomas and his gang?"