Few strands of hair (3)

"Well, I will leave now. Good night, my love."

The red rose man finally left me alone as I heard the paper bag getting replaced for a second, and his footsteps started getting further and further. 

I waited for at least 20 minutes until I was assured that he was truly gone. But I still didn't trust him easily. I unlocked the door and peeked from the gap. I saw nobody around the backyard and opened the door a bit more, snatched the paper bag, and closed the door again.

I locked the door and quickly went upstairs to my room. Staying in this place for too long would only get me pissed myself out of fear. 

I checked the paper bag that had become heavier after the exchange, so I guessed he did replace the few strands of hair with money.

I counted the money that he gave me and was pleasantly surprised when I realized that he had given me more than I expected, "This… 7 grand. 7 thousand dollars!? Damn…"