Chapter 16

It was a thrilling and dangerous day of work, but the young mother had been successful at her scavenging for the past few days. Sarah had not been visiting and Cindy wanted to eat something else other than the yogurt. Though Cindy and her daughter would not mind having the yogurt as a side dish for every meal, having nothing else but the yogurt for straight two weeks had gotten intolerable for the tongue. More importantly, Mindy had been out growing her clothes at an extremely fast pace. It was a matter of time before she would need adult women's lingerie; hence, they were added on Cindy's shopping list for her scavenging.

Having ingested gallon after gallon of Leo's thick ooze, her body had evolved to respectable level and low tier zombies posed no threat to her and even her daughter. Realizing the effect of the yogurt, she was extremely grateful to the siblings. Cindy had already learned that Leo was the only reason that they could enjoy the seemingly unlimited supply of thick yogurt; therefore, she also wanted to prepare a gift or something to repay the favor.

Thinking back to the oversized meat slab she witnessed from the store restroom; she was considering giving herself as the gift. It was a serious consideration not out of lust, she simply weighed her options for the future. Even with the increased strength from the mutation, she was after all, a single mother trying to raise a young daughter in this cruel and unforgiving world. She understood there were greater threats out there; the stronger she had become, the more dangers she could sense from every corner of the city. Leo and Sarah were easily seen as even greater existences in her eyes, embracing Leo as her partner will exponentially increase her and her daughter's chance of survival.

Even though she was oblivious to Leo's actual age, him being a young boy was actually the integral factor on why she would even consider this. It would be easier to influence someone at his age and will be less likely for Leo to abuse the relationship. She felt a little bit sorry for her husband, just a teeny tiny bit; but she was planning to do what she thought was the best for her and her daughter.

She was committed to survive with her daughter through the chaos by any means necessary. Like when she tricked other survivors to go first and die before her so she can bring her and her daughter to safety back then at the store, or there was the time when she shut the restroom door on another survivor and left the poor soul to be eaten alive.

At one point, between the line of her loyalty and chances of survival, the killing blow was when she found out her husband was still alive in a survivor camp. She learned about her husband's story from another survivor from the camp that stumbled into her apartment unit for safety. Apparently, her husband was now somewhat of a big shot at the camp. After the second black mist, he was awakened and gained a high position amongst the survivors. Cindy had already entrusted Sarah to leave a note of their whereabouts at their old address very early on. The fact that he had not appeared by now meant that she did not have a husband anymore.

Just as Cindy was pondering these thoughts, a small figure walked into the room.

"Mommy, why are you staring at the mirror for so long?"

Cindy was appreciating her body in the mirror. She had confidence in herself as an attractive woman, and her figure had grown even more alluring in the past couple weeks.

"Oh, sorry Mindy. Mommy was just thinking about some stuff, I will go prepare dinner right away! Canned lunch meat with yogurt paste is on the menu tonight."

"Yay! Finally, meat!"

Cindy watched her daughter joyfully run to the kitchen; Mindy must be wanting to help her mom make dinner. She had always been a good child. Cindy was resolved to do anything to keep her daughter safe.


It was a gloomy day in New Londo. The morning shower had temporarily stopped; yet, the darkened clouds still covered the sky, biding their time for another downpour.

The family of four were having breakfast at the table. Sarah and Sharon were fighting for every piece and scrap of food on the plate while Leo simply snagged the rest. The fighting stopped with a dignified sound of cough from Catherine.

"Sharon, when will you be leaving? I know I can't stop you, but don't leave without notice like you always do."

"All my wounds healed quicker than I expected thanks to Leo and Sarah," She took a quick glance at Leo. "I think I will leave the day after tomorrow."

"Will you be coming back?"

"I will...Hek!"

As they were talking, Sarah reached her foot underneath Sharon's dress and rubbed her sensitive spot with her toe behind a layer of black stocking, continuing their fights under the table.

"Are you alright? I will really try to stop you from leaving if you are still hurt."

"It's nothing. Of course, I will come back. And it's not like I am gun blazing into their base. I will scout around their area of operation and stalk them for a bit"


"What's wrong Sarah?" Catherine then turned to her daughter.

"Just a hiccup mom."

Sharon of course returned the favor with her bare foot. The dinner table was quite spacious, there was enough room underneath the table for their slender long legs to stretch to the other side. As the two were having a battle fought with their feet, Leo cleaned up everything on the table. Their fight ended when Sharon dropped the spoon on the ground and kindly asked Leo to help pick it up. Leo nonchalantly bent down; the smell underneath the table was sweet and the sight before him were three slender pairs of long legs each to their unique charm.

In the front was his mother's pair of bare legs and thighs. Her thick thighs and ample buttock stretched her hotpants and fully covered the seat. Catherine had gotten a little more plump in the right areas as she had been having generous meals day and night.

To the left was Sharon in a dress revealing her flower tattoo on her leg and thigh, which brimmed with seductiveness as she stretched out her slender body. Her ample rear matched that of her sister's.

To the right was his sister Sarah, who crossed her legs with black stockings and revealed a zone of absolute territory under the skirt. Leo could see the sole of her foot as she didn't wear any slippers.

Leo recalled the teaching of the cultural exchange club in his school and gave his prayers, then finally, picked up the spoon with a poker face. "Thick thighs can indeed save lives," words of wisdom were muttered without volume.

Leo then happily went back to his room to resume his Halo XX campaign. Sarah decided to follow him to kill time. It was a chilly morning. The family did not have any plans to venture out of their home. But Sharon was not the type that likes to stay at home and do nothing. She had been stuck at home due to her injury and she had been looking for an excuse to head outside for a breath of fresh (rotten corpse) air.

"Catherine, I left all my actual clothing back at my apartment. Since I have the luxury of freedom now, I will go look and see what I can bring back," with the siblings gone, Sharon finally stated her business with her sister.

"That's fine, I will be coming with you as well," it also had been sometime since Catherine last ventured outside. She wanted to get some exercise done as well.

"Wait? You think I am going to disappear again? Have some faith in me sis."

"No, it's not that. There is a young mother and daughter living at the apartment right now. Sarah had been regularly giving them help. But she hasn't gone in the past couple days. I will take this opportunity and pay them a visit."

"Oh sure, that sounds interesting. Well then, let's make a quick trip before it rains again." Sharon just wanted to take a stroll outside, anything interesting was just a bonus to her.

"I will get changed and prepare some supplies, wait for me at the door."

A while later, Sharon had been waiting impatiently at the door. She saw Catherine finally appear with a fermenting vessel in her hand.

"Here, help me carry this," Catherine handed the vessel over to Sharon. Judging from the weight of this container, the content seemed to be full and dense.

"What is this?" Sharon lifted up the heavy vessel and tried to distinguish its content. The vessel was somewhat heavy even with her evolved strength.

"It is something Sarah asked me to give to Cindy and Mindy, some kind of cheese or yogurt from what she said." Catherine was surprised that both Cindy and Mindy had awakened from her last visit with Sarah; therefore, she already had an idea what the contents could be but chose to ignore such small details.

Sharon was also the type that does not fuss over the small details and happily step her way out of the house.

Walking through the street of the neighborhood, Sharon had finally noticed that the vicinity was mostly devoid of zombies and had a couple more small groups of survivors holing up here and there. She did not sense any awakened humans around other than the two of them and arrived at a conclusion.

"Seems like Sarah and Leo did a good job cleaning up the neighborhood, the streets almost felt like it was before the apocalypse."

"The zombies just seemed to simply not show up anymore according to those two. They say it becomes harder to hunt for those jellies but it isn't something I would complain about."

Hordes of zombies finally appeared midway on the road to the apartment. It seemed that the hordes were all marching in a certain direction east. But as long as it was not the direction of their home, neither Sharon nor Catherine could care any less about prying into details. They quickly avoided the horde and continued their way to the apartment complex through a detour.


A zombie king was born out of a gore nest in the northeast region of the city, which was close to the county Leo and Sarah lived in. Normally, the rise of a zombie king meant all the glory and power were brought to it by the command of hundreds of thousand zombies at its disposal. However, this certain zombie king was the most pitiful one yet to exist.

The king was born under the pressure of two monstrous humans equal or above it in strength. They have been mercilessly hunting its brethren, so much that it no longer had any capable mutated zombies under its command. It also had to hide its track as to not get found out by the two hunters, for it was not ready to face either of them head-on in a brawl (MY CLASS IS AN INT CLASS). Furthermore, there was an absolute monarch way above it in the path of evolution. Fortunately, that existence was not interested in fighting over the control of the horde. After learning that existence was in alliance with the two humans, it immediately made the call to move out of the region to compete with other zombie kings rather than fighting those three monsters.