Chapter 0: Introduction

[ Loud banging could be heard on the iron door, it was still early in the morning, Sun was barely visible on the horizon ]

It's the same thing each morning. For over 17 years now. The sound of banging on the heavy iron doors, morning rays on the skin so early in the morning.

"Get up you lazy dog!" deep voice yelled from outside

~But it is so early, why are they still treating me this way?

"You have 3 minutes to get to the door, you need to be leashed you filthy slave!" same voice spoke

~I don't even hear the ships in the harbour, they woke me up earlier than usual.. Are they in such a hurry?

~Ah.. Maybe the artifacts are running low on energy because of last weeks battle against the North.. That would make sense..

"Are you daydreaming again? Get out, don't make me get my hands dirty with scum such as you again, you disgust me-" the man continued throwing insults at the young boy.

Banging got louder.

~Daydreaming? Ah yes, seems I am doing it again.. I better get ready, this will be a tough day.

It was usual morning for 17 nameless boy, usually carrying names such as scum, or battery.. he was given such names by guards coming to pick him up each morning.

He was called Sion by other prisoners of Ravensborrow. It was usually a name meaning high endurance and stamina.

He was given the name Sion because, for over 17 years now, he was being used as a mere battery, refilling massive machines and equipment with his own life energy. Sion was born as a 6th Class human, a.k.a. Xioerttem - a very rare type of human possessing massive amounts of energy inside them. But there is a slight problem - 6th Class humans aren't capable of using their own energy inside of them like rest of the humans can.

That's the reason rich and even government buys them and uses them as batteries and slaves. They are not regarded as humans by almost any law.

"Finally, Ravensborrow won't fuel itself!" deep voice spoke again, it was one of the guards that usually wake Sion up.

" Why don't ya' bastards fuel it yourself, there must be others that can do this instead of me every mornin' " Sion said while leashing his arms with rope guard have him.

" You 6th Classes are worth more gold than a Southern castles! Having just one of you defects is enough to fuel a massive harbor such as Ravensborrow for years! " guard laughed

" You are not useful for anything other than being a battery for us, normal people! "

Sion stopped tying his arms. He raised his head up and looked at the guard, staring directly into his eyes.

" W-What? You got a problem slave? " guard raised his hand.

"Normal people disgust me-"

[ SLAP! ]

Sion stood up, his lip was cut and blood dripped down his chin. He was missing a tooth.

" Anything more you want to say, battery? " his hand was in the air again

" No need to get so pissed, normal human " Sion started walking down the road, passing the guard and now walking ahead of him, tied to a leash

Sion lived in a small room, made completely out of iron. It wasn't any bigger than some peoples bathrooms in Ravensborrow. His "prison" was located just outside slums of the harbor.

Ravensborrow was a massive harbor, it had over 2 million citizens, and over 75 precent lived in poverty and about half of them didn't even have a house to live in. It was composed of two parts, Outer and Inner district. Outer was filled with diseases, poverty and death.

On the other side of the wall, the people of Inner district were rich, they never missed a dinner nor chance to attend festivals or spit down the wall on poor people begging for money.

Sion despised them, he hates the system and laws from depths of his heart. If he was to be free, he would most likely burn the Inner district and watch it burn. His purpose was nothing more but to be used by the rich, just as many others.

Sion had no strength though, a punch from a strongest 6th Class is equal to that of a 10 year old kid. He did possess more energy than any 5th Class and 4th Class of Ravensborrow though, as much as he knew, possibly even combined.

[ After about 30 minutes of walking, guard and Sion reached the entrance of Inner district ]

" Just get this over with.. " Sion was looking down at his feet.

All of a sudden, rotten fruits, spit and bones rained down on him. It was all falling from several people gathered on top of the wall.

" Eat pig, eat! " they all laughed

They were all looking like a group of immature elementary school children.

Sion crouched down, picked a half eaten apple, and slowly started biting it, looking up at them. He grinned.

" Cheers~ " he raised the apple in the air towards them. Then continued eating.

He lowered his head and continued walking into the Inner district. People on the wall stopped throwing things, they were filled with too much shock and stress to do anything.

[ Sion entered Inner district ]

" So... " he stopped

" Where's my welcome party? Y'all missed me?" he grinned at hundreds of people gathered in the main square.