Chapter 7: Starry night

Wind was blowing gently, barely making any waves. Boat was following the waves, waving the boat. Sion and Nemma sat across each other awkwardly, no one was rowing at the moment, they let the waves do it's job.

" So, where are you from? " Sion asked. Nemma looked up at him. She hesitated, then started talking " W-well you see.. I'm not really allowed to t-talk about it... I'm from East though ".

Sion awkwardly shook his head in confirmation. He knew nothing of the world he lived it. His entire world consisted of Ravensborrow and chit chat he overheard from guards and citizens. He didn't even know why he asked the question.

~ Rune, I need help!

As he thought of his name, he once again felt a touch on shoulder.

[ Sea split open and sky crashed ]

" You've called me? " Rune was standing behind him.

" Yeah, listen ur' old and stuff-.. " Sion started explaining. " Ouch-.. " Rune said through his teeth.

" I need your help, I don't know anything about the world.. You've seen it, good and bad sides of it. Could you teach me? I need to know about East, West, South and North. I need to know about the world before I step into it.. "

Rune was thinking. " This world is too big and complicated for me to tell you everything about it. My opinion might be different than your own. But I can tell you few things, there are several ways for you to achieve your goal. " he explained. Rune opened his palms " There are 8 Heavenly Empires. They are greatest and most powerful nations on Earth. Each of Heavenly Empires is sorted to North, East, West or South. Those are the names of alliances. Each alliance is composed of 2 Empires... " he took a break.

" If you don't get it already, head of each Heavenly Empire is Royal family, Class 1 humans. " he nodded his head. " Those are the people in control of the world, no action in this world happens without them having their fingers in it. We are currently in nation called Nellān, small nation between Ashrea Empire and Sealean Empire. We don't belong to any of the alliance because we are too small and insignificant. This country isn't poor but living conditions are below average. There are currently over 500 nations, their sizes and power vary, and none come close to 8 Heavenly Empires. "

Rune crossed his arms, as if he was finished talking. " Those are some basics.. you wanna change the laws? Take down the system? You need to collapse every Heavenly Empire.. It happened only once that a Heavenly Empire succumbed to a single man, and that man immediately became a godly figure. "

Rune took some time to think of the next thing to say. " Hmmmm... yeah one more thing. There are rankings for all items and equipment in this world. From best to worst it's E rank, D rank, C rank, B rank and finally A rank. Outside those rankings, S class exist. More S's an item has, stronger it is. Monsters are ranked the same way as items. I'm considered SS rank. " Rune explained. " Oh wait, one more thing remains unsaid. Runes.... I bet you're interested-.." Rune cracked his knuckles.

" We Runes exist for over 2 thousand years now. There are 6 different Runes, no hierarchy is directly established, but power difference is clear in some cases. In no particular order; Energy Rune, Mind Rune, Future Rune, Control Rune, Peace Rune and Disease Rune exist. We all exist as gifts Devil made for Six Supreme Emperors, they were first humans to ever make contact with Him. For a certain reason, he created Runes and gave us to humans. "

Sion was looking really intrigued all the time. He was interested in all the history. " Don't ask me about Hell or Devil, I know nothing about that.. I don't have any memory older than 500 years. "

Sion nodded his head. He was grateful for everything. He received many information in a short time. It will take some time for him to remember everything. Sion though about Rune for a moment.. Just how much he appreciated meeting him. Sion also thought about his Super-Cool-Anti-Rich-Awesome-Team, that was name he came up with for his team. He put a lot of effort into it. Rune disagreed though, so now he needs to come up with a new name.

" Can you tell me few things about East? " Sion asked. Rune raised an eyebrow, knowing very well why he's asking him that. " Well, East is covered in mountains and caves. Several cities can be found on mountain tops. It has beautiful views. Feel free to tell Nemma that you'll take her to 'Lake Jade' and 'Mt. Golden Heaven' one day.. those are some of most beautiful places in East-... " Rune smiled.

" Yeah.. I'll do tha-.. HOLD ON A MINUTE!? " Sion just realized his secret was quite clear to Rune. " Y-YOU KNOW?! " Sion yelled.

Rune laughed " I can access your emotions and memories, there's a limit to how much I can see though. That secret of yours, opened like a book to me ".

Sion was blushing " Get lost-.. " he waved his hand and Rune and his world disappeared. He was in the boat again.

Nemamiah was looking at him. Night was starry and sea was calm. Sion awkwardly sat and looked at ocean left and right, as if something interesting was happening. In a corner of his eyes, he saw Nemma leaning forward towards him. He tried hard to ignore it and stared into the deep ocean. But he couldn't, as seconds went on, she was closer and closer, she leaned forward and she was just tens of inches away from him. He turned around and saw her face. Her eyes were closed and she was frowning her eyebrows. Her lips were slightly opened and she was leaning for a kiss. Once his brain processed what was going on, her lips were almost touching his. Sion panicked, his aura strengthened and acted as if he was in danger, his body sent a surge of energy through his body. Boat flipped and sent both of them into the sea. Both of them gasped as neither expected that to happen.

Sion and Nemma were a meter deep in the water, Sion opened his eyes and saw her. She looked as beautiful in water as she did on the surface. Her hair looked as if it was floating. Her glasses fell off and were now sinking to the bottom. Sion started at her for a long moment.

Both swam out, Sion tried climbing the boat which resulted in it flipping over. They climbed in. Sion was squeezing the water out of his robe back in the sea while Nemma was coughing and fixing her hair. A silence appeared, it seemed even worse than silence from before. Both were blushing and looked as if their faces are about to explode.

" S-so... " Sion finally spoke.

" You ever been to Lake Jade? "