Chapter 16: Route to the top

Sion took 20 bottles of water and tens of sandwiches and stored them in Collection. He put on some warm clothes Lori gave him, it was embodied with cold resisting magic. He checked once more if everything was ready.. water, food, clothes, weapons etc.

" S-so why can't I go? " Nemma asked.

" I don't want to risk anything... on top of that, if you get hurt, your demon might come out, Santiago won't think twice before cutting it down along with you. Stay here with Lori, we will be back in few days, no need to worry that much, Santiago is strong ya' know! " he laughed.

Nemma wasn't laughing, she just nodded and hugged him; " Be safe out there! ". Sion waved and exited Lori's house. Santiago was already waiting outside. Beside his regular Hunter robe and 2 daggers, he was wearing no additional gear.

" Food, water? Some stronger weapons? You're planning to go with just those 2 daggers?? " Sion was wondering. Santiago looked at him with a raised eyebrow; " How about you look after your own equipment? I can go days without eating or drinking without any side effects. On top of that, my 2 daggers far exceed a mere weapon, both of them are SS tier items. I got them from defeating some strong monsters. We both know your energy detection skills aren't the best, you didn't even know Nemma had a monster inside of her until recently did you. "

" Once we get there, I will lead the fight, get it tired and weakened.. No matter what happens to me, you focus on cutting off that things head. Many Hunters been up there, those rare few that come down all claim the monster looked differently, that's why it isn't classified as anything specific. For me, it was an 'Ice Wyvern'... about 3 meters tall, maybe 6 meters long... It's energy capacity was ridiculous, it casually blasted hundreds of attacks that exceed my power. That damn wyvern must be a 2nd Class... worst case scenario, I'm wrong and it's 1st Class monster, we go there and get it angry so we both die. " he looked calm.

Sion didn't. He was shaking and his mouth were open. He looked like he wanted to ask something but was too afraid to actually ask. " Let's go, before you change your mind " Santiago started walking towards the village's gates. They were walking in silence, preparing to embrace whatever was to be found on that mountain. It didn't take long for both of them to reach the gates.

" Sion, outside it's cold, you ought to remember that. Closer we get to that monster it's aura will be denser and colder it will be. But now I have you as a trump card, closer we get, your power will increase right? " Santiago looked confident.

Sion nodded; " Yeah, Collection absorbs surrounding energy and increases my power ".


Strong wind and snow appeared as soon as they exited the town's protective aura. They immediately started following the road that led to the mountain. Sion's rapid energy growth made him even stronger than he was few days ago he first got to the village. He didn't feel any cold. Santiago was walking in front of him, he was leading the way up.

Further they got, wind was stronger and snow was denser. Santiago didn't look bothered at all, Sion had his eyes partially closed since wind got pretty strong and it irritated him. A loud crack spooked Sion so he fell aside; " WHAT WAS THAT!?!?! " he yelled.

Santiago calmly looked to the right.

Something was approaching them. It was at least 2 meters tall and wide. It had one giant eye and was covered in white fur. It was jumping on one leg that was hidden because of it's long furry body. It didn't have nose, mouth or ears.. or at least they were hidden because of the fur.

Sion was looking at the creature that emerged from the snow, and it was looking at him with it's massive eye. Santiago was standing still. Sion swiftly looked at Santiago and yelled; " THE MONSTER IS HERE! KILL IT SO WE CAN GO HOME!! ". Santiago looked down at him and laughed mockingly; " This? That is a mere 'Jumper'... Kill it if you want. " he turned around and continued walking. Santiago didn't want to waste energy on it. Sion stood up and slowly, while still looking at the creature, continued following Santiago. As soon as he moved few meters away, he ran after him; " WAITTTT-! "

Both of them were walking in silence again, wind was much stronger and air was colder. Sion started to feel the cold air in his lungs. He was wearing gloves so his hands weren't freezing as much as his face was. Santiago wasn't fazed one bit; " Come on Sion.. you giving up already? " he laughed. Sion looked at him... he acted as a really friendly guy. Yes, he was occasionally an asshole in Sion's opinion, but he seemed like a decent dude. Still, something bothered him. Despite his nice behavior, his aura seemed cold and ominous... almost the same as Sion's. In fact, every single Son had the similar cold and ominous energy. Sion had to ask the question.

" D-do you have a Rune inside of you? " he looked serious, but maybe it was just because of the fact he was freezing at this point.

Santiago continued walking, he was looking forward. Sion was waiting for the answer impatiently, but he got none. Santiago was silent and his aura seemed serious. " I asked if you-.. "

" I've heard what you asked " Santiago turned around with a serious expression. Both men were looking at each other. Wind was strong and air was tens of times colder than at the villages gates. Santiago slowly gripped the handle on one of his daggers and looked at Sion with dead cold look on his face. He opened his mouth slightly, as if wanting to say something.. but he was quiet for few moments.

Sion was caught off guard with this event. He didn't expect such an answer. Will Santiago really kill him? Santiago pulled out the blade, it was pitch black, it didn't even seem like it was made of ANY material.. just deep darkness trying to imitate the edge of the dagger. Santiago was standing several meters away from Sion, yet he raised his blade as if wanting to slash. He would probably release an energy slash. Sion knew he wasn't fast enough to dodge that, nor strong enough to block. Regardless he strengthened his aura in his arms, he will try to block it as much as he can.

Santiago gripped the handle tighter and focused his eyes. Without a doubt, he is preparing to slash any moment now. He finally seemed as if he will say something.

" Santiago don't do this! " Sion yelled.

" Duck-... "

" Huh? Where? " he was confused.

" Sion... DUCK-!! " he slashed forward, massive black slash with immense energy was incoming fast.

Sion slipped as he tried to step back and he fell on his back. Santiago's slash missed him by an inch. Loud noise from the attack made him close his eyes and cover his ears. It sounded as a super high pitch scream. Sion was lying on the ground for few seconds, then quickly jumped up and started yelling at Santiago. Sion was pissed; " WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM!?!?! YOU'VE ALMOST JUST KILLED ME! AND WHAT DUCK?! ".

Santiago sighed. He sheathed his dagger and pointed behind Sion. Afterwards, he just turned around and continued walking; " I don't have any Rune! " he yelled back at him.

Sion looked at him moving forward on the path. He looked so clueless.. Sion turned around-...

Over 50 Jumpers were lying behind him. Each and everyone of them had their mouths widely opened. Their mouths were over a meter is size and filled with hundreds of pointy teeth. Some were so close, they were a second from jumping on him and eating him whole. Every single one of them was cut in half, dead. Santiago just saved his life. Sion turned at Santiago that wasn't even visible anymore from the dense snow and once again, ran after him.

Santiago looked so confident and powerful. Sion was wondering what made him get to where he is now; " Thank you.. " he mumbled. Santiago turned his head back, he smiled and nodded. All of a sudden, wind got a little bit weaker. In front of them, there was a large rock, it made a perfect cover. They walked up to it and sat down. It was pretty spacious, if they had one, they could easily make a tent and still have enough space to walk around unbothered by the wind. Sion looked around for branches and sticks to make a fire, he was freezing. Santiago grabbed his shoulder; " No need my friend ". Santiago made a small hole by digging up the snow and dirt. He placed his palm above the hole and flame appeared in the hole, it was black and felt much warmer than regular fire.

" Just what are your powers exactly? " Sion asked

Santiago responded immediately; " You're from West aren't you, I've talked with Nemma. She told me you are from Nellān. You see, I'm from the West as well. I actually served for one Heavenly Empire back in the day... I was Master of Hunters back then, in other words, I've lead all the Hunters government had in the Empire, they all served under me. I was nothing more but a rich, spoiled brat so many years ago. But one day, Emperor knocks on my doors, he tells me I've grown 'too powerful' and he fears someone will doubt his authority, so he pierced his arm through my chest and sealed away my powers.. He exiled me from the Empire, saying I was forging a coup d'etat. So here I am now, working as a Hunter to make some coins, betrayed by my own shitty older brother. "

Sion was looking at him with a confused expression; " Your brother? Wait didn't you say it was the Emperor that did all of tha-... " he just realized what Santiago is talking about. He leaned forward above the campfire they had.

" A-Are you actually trying to tell me you are a Royal? " he laughed like a maniac; " You? A Royal? I never thought your humor was so well developed! Hahahah! ". In middle of laughing he saw Santiago's face. He was staring at the fire, it reflected in his blue eyes. He looked angry.. but he also looked sad. He was clenching his fists. Sion sat up straight and stopped laughing; " Holy shit you aren't joking... ".

" Well who knows, maybe you are right. How can I be called a Royal while only being a 2nd Class.. " he waved his hand.

" So even with your powers sealed, you're a 2nd Class? Can't you tell me more about-.. "

" Sorry, can't do that. If I were to talk about my brother too much, a seal he put on me would activate and I would die. " Santiago interrupted. He showed him a seal on his chest, he said it is directly linked to his heart.

This discovery was a big deal for Sion. It was an even bigger motivation to take down Heavenly Empires. This just proved that, even among their own families.. they are all just a bunch of selfish egoistic assholes.