The Maze (Part Four)

He then began to think about every possible option in his mind. "Whatever the case may be, poisonous snakes are never an option. With water, there might be a chance to survive", he thought. He then looked at the board and saw a line below the question.

He did the same and wrote the answer with his blood. The path to his right opened up, and he began to run. "Seems like you have taken a shortcut, kid", said Valentine. Lucas smiled, and he ran as fast as his legs would carry him. The countdown was down to two hours, and he didn't know how much of The Maze he had completed.

"Around twenty-five percent. You will make it in time", said Valentine as he read Lucas's mind. "Alright, take a right up ahead", said Valentine. And Lucas took the right, and he felt something crash into his stomach. He went flying back, and he held his stomach in pain. "What kind of a blow is that?", he thought.