A New Home

Lucas was stunned after he heard that from him. He thanked him in advance before asking for the lodging areas. 

Robert took him outside, and there was a staircase that was leading to a house right above the shop. The house was to his liking as well, and he thought about the things he needed to purchase.

A total amount of five thousand gold needed to be spent to make this place comfortable living space. "Nine thousand Gold", he smiled nervously. For now, he began to clean up all the dust that was accumulated.

After cleaning it up, he looked at Robert and smiled. He smiled back and the bot of them shook on the deal.

"How much for the advance and rent?", he asked. A smile was seen on Robert's face as he neared Lucas's ears. "Consider this a gift from me, prince. This property belongs to our family, and for a long time it has been abandoned", he whispered.