The Beginner's Dungeon (Part Two)

He moved down, and the beasts had changed this time. They were from the Fly and Mosquito families. He was annoyed as the moment he cut down a mosquito, he was splashed with blood all over him. The Flies were more annoying with their 360-degree vision.

This was making it harder for him to slay them and the mosquitoes were interrupting his attempts if he neared killing any one of them. He was slowly getting pissed off by their attitude toward them as he reached the lower floors. 

"Just what is their deal? It's like they both have a deal, and someone is commanding them from the shadows. Could it be that the boss of this one is controlling them from behind the scenes?", he thought.

All left now were the flies, and he was sure that being a cluster of them, it would be harder for them to maneuver in such a small space. He smirked wide and began his massacre as one dodged while the other got attacked.