Creating the Mana Channels

Lucas began to first separate the parts as they needed to be carefully done. A gauntlet has a lot of joints in the fingers which needed to be forged delicately. He then looked at the Mana Channels that he had planned on adding to it. He also had a different design for the pellets. 

The gauntlet's length was from the fingertips to halfway up the forearm. The design had lost delicate parts from the fingers to the wrist. After making out the parts and marking from where to begin, he took out the metal and began to heat it. 

Mana Channels had to be made using the crystals, and it was a very delicate process. One must have very steady hands and a great amount of patience. He left the metal to heat up, as he still needed to remove the impurities in it. He took out the crystals he had gotten from Tobias and began to melt them in the furnace.