Creating The Staff Of The Elves

Lucas was stunned at the amount of knowledge Valentine had. He had almost infinite knowledge due to him being around for a very long time. Each of the Hearts was interested in different walks of life, but all of them had one common trait. They never gave up no matter what.

He too carried the same trait, and whatever trails he faced in his life, he never gave up. He always found a way to overcome the situation, and this was how he had grown to be a good Blacksmith. 

He never called himself a Great Blacksmith, as he knew that there was always someone better out there. He was learning and improving his skills every day, and the notebook was one of the ways to better himself as a blacksmith.

He began to draw the circle as he told his father to bring him the branch he had. he was sure that a piece of it would be enough to make the staff, as he didn't know how large of a branch they were talking about.