Leon's Investigation (Part Three)

Leon's eyes were red from rage, but the moment he heard the kid's voice, he softened down. Something inside him was stirred, and his heart was feeling heavy. He turned his head towards the kid and smiled at her.

"Hey, kid. I almost forgot to ask your name", he said with a smile. Although he had a smile, a tear was rolling from the corner of his eyes. Leon was squatting to the girl's height, and the girl saw the tear.

"Why are you crying, Uncle? Are you sad?", she asked in her innocent and cute voice. The weight in his heart doubled, and the tear that one, turned two.

"Mother always does this whenever I am sad", she said and she wrapped her tiny little arms around his neck. She was hugging him tightly, and she didn't let go.

She began to hum quietly, and it seemed to help him in calming down. The weight was now unbearable, and he was sure if he spent a minute extra, he would burst open.