Zephyr's Interrogation (Part One)

The men were shocked the moment they heard the truth. Jasper turned the two small orbs into shurikens and hardened the blood. 

He threw it and killed two people along with it, and slashed at another person's neck with it. The blood that he had drawn again added to the orb, and there was a new orb that was floating now. 

The shurikens were growing in size, and the smile on his face sent shivers down everyone's spine. One of them began to run away, and he felt that he was running slower than he usually would.

"No way I am letting you get away. Now, who among you knows what business you have here?", he asked as he looked around. He heard a certain individual's heartbeat rise, and he was none other than the man who had tried running away.

"Oh? How amusing. Let me save the best for last", he muttered as he moved around. He stabbed and slashed at everyone he could see, and now had four orbs of blood behind him.