Updated 172

"Please, just kill me. I don't want to be tormented like this!", he said as he was hugging her knee. He coughed once more and there were bits of meat that were coming out from his mouth.

ljhfdjlfh flhkf l; 

The cold look in her eyes faded for a moment, and she knelt to look at the man square in his face. She placed the blade right at his throat and raised her eyebrows, indicating if the man was sure of his decision.

lkfdnlksd jfklf 

"I am already old. These experiments did make me young, but I have no attachments to this world. Everything that I cared about has been taken away from me. The only purpose I am here today is to die", he said.

lksdfkl kldfh lkfds 

Maxine was a little sad that such a man preferred death over being alive. Even though she was in a rage, her heart was moved and she nodded her head in acknowledgment. 

lsdfhlkj fhlh fsafd