WebNovelTwin fate100.00%

Chapter 1: All story’s start in tragedy

This is the story of two different hero's which fate will cause them to intertwine, Will their stories be Hope or Despair. This story starts at the end of another in a battle where heaven and hell fight against an army of purgatorial beings , as well as all the different races born from man. The leader of these beings were known to the humans as the demon lord of balance which would make you think that he would be on the side of hell but you would be wrong because a demon lord is not a being who is a demon but a title given to those with power to challenge the strongest of beings.

Location: unknown

Date: unknown

The ground was drenched in blood and littered with bodies as far as the eyes can see. While the sky was polluted with smoke and ash. A young boy dressed in all black with white hair, red eyes, and is surrounded by enemy forces from heaven and hell. There was something wrong with him though like he was not in control or that his mind had snapped.

All of a sudden with barely any warning the young boy starts chanting "I who maintain balance in this world command the void to grant me your infinite power and bend it to my will, scythe of the end".

As soon as he was done speaking a shadow that looks like a scythe appears in his left hand. It slowly makes itself more vivid, its color being all black with its blade being about 3 feet long and its hilt around 5 feet. The scythes hilt had a black dragon wrapped around it going up to the blade. He slowly swings his scythe in a diagonal motion causing a dark substance to came out of it destroying the enemies in front of him. But then all of a sudden chains wrap around him which he was unable to escape.

Location: Japan

Date: 2019

Let's start at the miserable event that will shape the future of our first main character but first let me tell you his name Unmei Yuganda. This event all started on a normal morning with him and his childhood friend who he secretly had feelings for, walking to school like on any other day but today was different he finally had mustered the courage to finally tell her how he feels.

A few hours later

That morning he had asked to meet with her behind the school and there she was looking beautiful as ever in his mind. Never once knowing what there fate will be.

Unmei Yuganda shouted "I have always loved you eiyu Zetsubo"

She respond with a blush on her face "I feel the same way"

Some time passed and unmei noticed someone was following them. He grabbed onto eiyus hand and started running as soon as that happened the man started chasing after them. Then they went into a building construction site there was only one problem there was only a single door.

They heard the man say something "I which serve the eclipse beseech the to grant me the power of death"

A scythe then appeared in the mans hands but then he noticed something he was no man because there was no face all that was there is red eyes and a wide lunatic like smile on a smudge of black that was as dark as a shadow. He ran towards them and before unmei noticed were he was the things scythe had gone all the way thru eiyu. When the man removed the scythe blood sprayed everywhere.

Unmei thought "Why, why did this have to happen to me"

Then a mysterious voice said "do you seek POWER, do you seek VENGEANCE for the one you love?"

He said out loud "who said that where are you"

The mysterious voice said again "I will ask one more time do you seek POWER?"

Unmei screamed out "No matter the cost I seek power"

The mysterious voice responded "Yes you made the right choice know say the words that come to you"

Unmei started chanting "Oh grate spear called vengeance i offer you my blood. So grant me your supreme power"

But by the time he was finished chanting the mysterious man was gone and noticing this he collapsed to his knees and cried until he passed out.

Location: unknown

Date: Unknown

In a room that is so dark you can beraly see the young man hanging from chains, he had Snow White hair and red eyes in a shade of dark crimson. His clothes are torn in places but one could tell they were once grand clothes in the darkest shade of black imaginable. Then from the front of the room a creek was heard and someone walks into the room and a man in all white clothes with what looks like to be angel wings on his back.

The angel said "treasonous god Shin Norowareta it is time for your 3447th execution"

Shin responds "Can't you guys give up already. No matter how much magic power or strength you have you could never kill me, even if i am in this state"

Some time later they seem to be in some sort of plaza and the place they where walking to seemed to have a foreboding looking guillotine. Then shin and the angel reach the platform. A guard grabs shin's head and pushes his head into the rest and then with a loud snap he was locked into place.

The angel says "in the name of the supreme beings that rule over heaven and hell we sentence you to death"

Then one of the guards hit the lever to released the blade of the guillotine and Then there was a scream.

Location: unknown

Date: unknown

Hours pass by since the miserable event and Unmei finally woke up to find himself in grasslands with a Great Wall behind him similar to what he has seen in anime and manga. Normally he would be happy, well as happy as he could be in this situation but he remembers that the one he loved died.

He thinks to himself "why did it have to be her. Why could it not have been me instead."

Then he heard what sounded like a woman's scream and decided to go to check it out. What he saw finally confirmed that he was in another world, there was a group of people fighting monsters.

Unmei thought to himself "they will not last long"

A women with red hair said "watch out who ever you are"

Unmei then jumped away just in time that what looked like a griffin barely missed. He decided to see if his power still worked.

He then started chanting "oh great spear of vengeance i offer you the souls of those who dare to defy me"

A cut appeared on his hand and blood started to come out of it which started to form the shape of a spear. The spear was red and had unrecognizable symbols in the color of crimson all along the blade.

The griffin charges at him again and right before the griffin hits Unmei he says "All who stand in my way become sacrifices to my vengeance"

A red fog was released by the spear when the fog touched the griffin and all the other monsters all the blood in there bodies was pulled from there eyes. The blood and the mist went into the spear. While the people he ended up saving were looking in awe.

The girl with the red hair gets into a fighting stance and says "what is that dark power you possess"

Unmei responds "what are you talking about"

The girl says back "that spear you used had a dark sinister magic power and you did not sense it"

Unmei says "to be honest i just found out about it and bye the way what's your name"

The girl responds back "you know your supposed to give your name first"

A girl with green hair walks up but Unmei notices that her ears are point and thinks to himself she's "a elf"

The green haired girl says "her names Pinu Tenshi and my name Nori Erufu"

Pinu angrily says "nori why did you do that but anyway what is your name then"

Unmei answered "my name is Unmei Yuganda"

Nori ask "why are you not smiling and why do you have a sad look in your eye"

Unmei responds in a low voice "The one i loved was murdered by a man in a dark cloak with red eyes with the smile of a lunatic and i promise i will give him a fate worse then death.

Nori says "I-I-I-m so s-s-sor-r-r-y"

Pinu mumbles "that's why"

Location: unknown

Date: unknown

A soldier hits the lever of the guillotine and then there is a scream but the scream did not come from shin, instead it came from one of the soldiers who body was now ripped apart.

Shin says. "like I told you that can't kill me"

The angel stutters "h-h-how c-c-can you be alive"

Shin responds "just a basic teleportation mixed with a wind spell"

The angel says "how can you do that"

Then shin snaps his fingers and a wooden scythe appears in his hands, in the next moment he swings the scythe down on the angel killing him. But all of a sudden a bullet goes by the side of shins face cutting it.

Shin thought "were is the sho-"

But before he was able to finish his thought a bullet was shoot at him again, but instead of dodging it he hits the bullet with his scythe causing the bullet to explode sending shin back.

Up on a support beam a women in some short of armor says "Target in sight"

Over the radio in her helmet a voice says "contain him agent zero"

Zero says "roger"

Then zero fires the first shot barely missing its mark so she decides to use a magic bullet next. But what happened next surprised her he hit the bullet instead of moving out of the way.

Zero thinks to herself "I guess i have no choice to use close combat"

She jumps down and conjures a sword out of a talisman. But as soon as that happens Shin runs towards her causing them to lock weapons and the scythe Shins currently using begins to break.

Shin the starts chanting "Let this sinner hear the requiem of those who's souls that have been reaped by this divine cursed blade"

A sword then appears in shins hand half of it white and the other half black. On the black part of the blade it depicts people screaming in pain, while on the white half it shows people singing in joy.

Shin then says "time for round two"

Zero responds "affirmative"

They run at each other causing there blades to collide but this time zero is the one getting pushed back by Shin. Then shin release some short of spell which pushes zero back causing her to hit her head on a wall making her go unconscious.

Then out of know where a lady in a lab coat appeared in front of them.

She says "well that was a failure"

Shin says back "Hello Ekibyo Nokami also known as the four horseman of the apocalypses pestilnce"

Ekibyo responses "I'm glad you remember my lord"

"Where are we and what time period" asks Shin

Ekibyo says "In one of the five nations left, theocracy of light and as for the date it is April 3rd, year 2739"

Location: unknown

Date: unknown

Unmei is walking with both of the girls from before toward the gate that he saw when he was first transported to this unknown world.

Unmei asked "where are we and what is the date"

Nori cheerfully said "well the date is march 3rd and the year is 538. We are at the kingdom of almandia"

Pinu says "you don't know that much how stupid"

The talking went on for a little while when they were stoped at the gate, where the guards asked for their papers and Unmei realized he did not have papers.

Unmei says "what if I don't have papers"

Nori responded "well this is a pickle"

Pinu infuriately says "YOU DONT HAVE YOUR PAPERS"

One of the guards walk over and ask "what is the problem"

Unmei says "I do not have my papers"

In a flash all of the guards in the area surround them. Shins spear starts to form in his hand but he sees pinu and nori shake there head indicating that it was not in there best interest to start a fight.

Another guard which seems to be more important then the rest asked "are you sure you don't have any papers"

Unmei says "no sir, i just woke up in that field after the person i loved was killed in front of me"

A different guard said "captain freedrion what are we suppose to do about him"

Captain freedrion said "take them to the jail cells"

Unmei responds to this saying "what"

Some time later they are in a cell waiting for what's next. When the captain of the guards freedrion came into the room. While Unmei, Nori, Pinu where watching him waiting to hear what fate awaited them.

Location: Theocracy of light

Date: 4/4/2739

A day after Shin had escaped from the prison which held him for centuries, the news talked about it nonstop or what the government was telling them. Which was that there was an attack on a military base causing a very dangerous prison and a powerful weapon.

A reporter on the television said "The government believes that it was work of fanatics who support the philosophy of the last true demon lord, which if you don't know was the demon lord of balance. Who also almost caused the end of the world if the heaven and hell would not have intervened.

Shin asked "what are they talking about"

Ekibyo responds "Both heaven and hell have full control of all governments except Knightfallen and the U.F.D.A"

Shin says "explain to me what all the nations are"

Zero quips "you don't even know that much"

Ekibyo answers "Let's start with the first and most powerful in military might Knightfallen. It is a nation controlled by vampires, it also contains humans which live in the best possible conditions imaginable. The next would be the U.F.D.A which houses mostly Demi humans and beast-kin. Following them would be central which is a gathering place of all races and as the name suggests its in the center. The last two are equal in might which would be the theocracy of light and kingdom of darkness. Which are mainly controlled by the leaders of the churches of each nation."

Shin says "Then those are the nations of this time period"

Then in an instant most of the wall and the calling instantly disappeared and there where 3 beings with angel wings on there backs except for one. The one on the far left was female with hair the was so white it looked like it was radiating a faint light. Next to her in the middle was what looked like to be a young girl but unlike the other two she had both angel a demon wings and her hair was as white as the angel before, while the other half was pitch black almost as if it was consuming the light that surrounded it. The final one that was on the far right was a male with hair a dark crimson that looked like the color of blood.

The girl with the white hair said "my name is Raphael the bringer of light also seat one of the seven seraph angels known as the seven trumpets of judgment".

The girl in the middle then said "My name is Uriel the 4th seat of the seven trumpets known as the king of salt"

The man with the orange hair explained "Finally my turn, I am known as Micheal the bringer of fire and the 6th seat of the blah blah blah, you already know"

Shin questions "so they sent you after us"

Raphael responds "no we are only here to slay the one you call zero."

Zero says "what"

Location: Unknown

Date: Unknown

Unmei and the woman who were accompanying him where walking in a hallway following the captain of the guard. After a few seconds they reached the end of the hallway where they saw a entrance with two doors made out of wood so fine that they could easily been seen to have been made out of the best materials money could buy. There where two guards who the started pushing the doors open where they started to get a foreboding feeling. There looked to be a bunch of aristocrats in a court room, with a woman with white hair so fine it was like fresh snow and she sat where in a typical court room the judge would sit.

The lady with white hair then spoke in a dignified manner "I Elisa Von Elementi second youngest princess of the kingdom of the five elements the ice queen am here to judge whether you are a threat or a savior, but first we will get you to make a status plate".

The guard then took Unmei to a crystal with a glow of blue coming from it. Unmei then touched it causing the crystal to become black and streaks of black lightning going out from where Unmei touched it. Then a card appeared in his hand and the card read:

Name: Unmei Yuganda

Race: Overlord Vampire

Age: 17

Date 4/4/2738

Time 17:03

Level: 1


Hp: 1000

strength: 500

Mp: 800


The cursed spear of vengeance

Ultra speed regeneration

Blood arts

Partial Immorality

Summon familiars

Elisa then in response to the card "you dare bring one of those into my court room, are you insane"

Unmei then said "what are you talking about"

Elisa says "you really don't know"

Unmei responds "yes"

Elisa says "you have been chosen to be one of the seven vampire lords and if that's not enough you are the strongest. The vampire lord of vengeance, the strongest of all seven just look at what the card says."

Unmei then says "so are you going to try to kill or capture me because it's one or the other. But before we start let me tell you I'm in a really bad mood so don't think I won't KILL YOU ALL."

The room then went silent, then as if hearing what was just said the people watching the presiding all started to yell at one another. Until with one word the ice queen Elisa shut them all up and that was "silence". At the same time hundreds of guards rushed in surrounding the trio.

Pinu says "looks like where going to have to fight"

Nori responds "well we kinda pulled him into this by making him come with us"

Unmei began chanting "make all those before me that disobey me, I offer them your blood and very soul, oh great spear of vengeance"

At that moment a cut appeared on his hand, blood started pouring out of it forming the shape of a spear on his left hand. After the spear seemed to have finished forming the hilt seemed to depicted the agonizing faces of the monsters he had killed in his previous battle.

Then he uttered "burst into flowers of blood"

In a split second everyone in the room except Pinu, Nori, Unmei, and the ice queen Elisa exploding causing everyone to be drenched in blood. Then a giant twisted smile appeared on Unmei's face, but then he started laughing like he had completely lost his mind.

Then he said "I do this all for love, for revenge so why not enjoy the bloodshed and the pain"

But in a spit second, his entire body was frozen and Elisa walked up to him manifesting a sword of ice in her hand. Then raised it up and in a moment Unmei was completely cut into pieces.
