Chapter 8: Signing the Agreement

Dylan Collins glanced at her, "Hmm, you fancy yourself as an actress?"

"Yes." She looked up at him, "That's why I really can't have this baby. You're rich and powerful, you have a lot more resources than me."

Dylan watched her black, grape-like eyes closely. They glistened with a certain mistiness, showing no trace of deception.

Of course, perhaps she was a good actress and this was all an act.

He raised an eyebrow, swiftly changing the topic. "Fine, here is an agreement. Sign it, and for now, we'll pretend to be ready to have your baby and let my grandfather lower his guard. Once he is less attentive, I'll secretly take you out of North City to get your abortion overseas."

Hallie's eyes lit up immediately.

She saw him place an agreement, which seemed to be prepared beforehand, in front of her.

So, he had been testing her all along?

Looking at this expressionless man, she thought to herself, capitalists are always so scheming.

As she looked down at the agreement, there were terms stating that she couldn't announce her pregnancy nor giving birth without his consent. She wasn't allowed to reveal the contents of the agreement to a third party or face unbearable compensation charges.

And at the end, there was an added clause stating he'll compensate her with an hefty sum of a hundred million, if she aborts the baby.

A hundred million?

Suddenly, shock filled her eyes as she looked back up at him.

Such a generous offer.

No wonder he's known as the Wealthy God. He doesn't hold back at all when it comes to spending.

Hallie glanced at him. After a moment of consideration, she realized she was at a dead end. If she ran away, she might not even have the abortion money. And seeing Logan Collins, it looked like he really wanted to keep the baby. How could she face the Collins family on her own?

"Alright, I agree."

With no other choices, she inked her name onto the agreement.

With a grunt, he took the agreement, looked at the diligently written name and put the contract away, not wanting to spend another second there.

"You will stay here during this period. Mind you, my room is off-limits and," he snorted, "don't even think of crawling into my bed again. Search the internet if you dare, to see what happens to those who offend me. I trust you'd know better."

"Hey, what do you mean by that, sure you're rich, but check online and see, there're plenty of men out there. You're not the only catch. I was mistaken for mistaking you. To me, my boyfriend is the best man!"

A flash of darkness crossed Dylan's eyes, as if the whole person had darkened down.

Hallie swallowed hard and quickly tried to appease him with laughter, "Actually, you are the most handsome and stylish man I have ever met, kind-hearted and broad-minded. But my heart is already taken, so you can put your mind at ease, I won't do anything to you."

She was so angry that she forgot that the man in front of her was Dylan Collins who could easily crush her.

Dylan Collins chucklingly eyed this woman who was unabashedly fluent in spouting lies.

She dared to talk after all the ridiculous flattery she just made?

"Huh, I hope you mean what you said. You'd better make sure not even a single strand of your hair enters my room!"

Dylan Collins waved to summon someone, "Give this room to her, and tell someone to bring some tonic soup."